
how lucky i am to have the life i have

forcing myself not to say something negative immediately after that statement, even though i probably will later on in this entry

i want to take a moment and appreciate all the people i have in my life rn

angie amanda dom mata (~) michael milca +other IRLs seattle vanessa you-hsuan

i have some other friends but am unsure if i should add them. will just keep it to this list for now...

i really don't recognize how lucky i am sometimes. stable job (i hope), living on my own, exploring a new city, making new irl friends, getting to play my favorite game with online friends. i have to keep trying.

are you serious?

why. why the FUCK would you break no contact with me. it’s been 2, almost 3 fucking months without speaking. what possible reason could you have for breaking no contact. you drive me fucking insane. you have angie annoyed, Milca and Vanessa pissed off, and my other friends just rolling their eyes at you. you are public enemy #1 to everyone in my life when it comes to me. a fuck up. nobody fucking likes you. except me, unfortunately. it took a lot of willpower to not add you back, really, it did. but my life can’t move forward if I take you back in my life.

I’ve been doing some reminiscing & I recalled the time I sat on my exes couch while you told me the sweetest words. How you liked me, how you didn’t want me to disappear, just the sweetest fucking words. I miss you so much. You didn’t just burn my life into flames, but also shone a light with those flames on the emptiest parts of me.

Why do you want me to add you back. Even worse, why am I almost considering it.

If only you knew the extent to how hard I’ve stalked you. Then you’d truly want nothing to do with me.

What would change if you came back into my life. For starters, I would demand certain things before we could ever move forward:

  • don’t hide shit from me anymore. tell me about max, anney, tell me what weird groceries Ashley bought, tell me about Ryan, tell me about life after Judy. TELL ME about your fucking life instead of hiding it.
  • APOLOGIZE. you NEVER apologize and if we’re ever going to be back in each others lives, it’s not starting until an apology is given.
  • own up to your shit. why the fuck do you constantly ghost me and rearrange everything when I needed you most.

“needed you most” – oh but Irene, shouldn’t you lower your expectations of Josh? that’s too many eggs in his basket, no?

I CAN’T lower my expectations. not when it comes to you. that’s the FUCKING problem. you continue to disappoint me at every fucking corner and I’M NOT ABLE TO DECREASE MY FEELINGS FOR YOU. the ONLY option was to leave.

so it’s either you tell angie why the fuck you’re trying to re-enter my life, or you fuck right off. for both our sakes, I hope you come from a place of hostility instead of reconciliation. because what the fuck are you trying to do by re-entering my life, dumbass.


  • told martin what happened
  • explained who i was, was met with initial confusion up until he remembered [afterthought]
  • defensive
  • claimed i was rude and pushy about a next date, disliked i told him repeatedly that it was on him to reschedule if he was still interested
  • claimed there were no issues about the fact that he never asked either vivian or myself questions about us (????)
  • said “we just handle things differently, clearly, and we're incompatible. that's just how it is”
  • said “thanks for telling me”
  • was quick to interrupt my story
  • didn't really listen to my side, just kept defending his own side
  • didn't really acknowledge the fact that he shit talked me despite me bringing it up

asking christy

  • why was i so okay with doing this?


so... i've been catfishing him for multiple days. it's wednesday night as i write this. the date is on thursday.

it all started when he matched with me two weeks ago, sunday, on hinge. martin. i was so excited as he lived close to me, in scarborough, and i went back home to scarborough to visit my family. and i told him i was in town visiting my family for 2 weeks while i resided in montreal. i told him about my mental health, how it wasn't doing so great while in quebec and came home to see family and friends. martin and i talked everyday for 2 days, until came tuesday. we had a lot in common, too. we both played apex, league, liked e-sports, liked kpop (me more than him, but he still enjoyed it), we're both very similar texters (banters, not overly nice, not overly boring, still sweet and flirty) and went back and forth all day. it was amazing. his hinge profile stated he liked going on spontaneous dates, so that's what i asked him on tuesday, if he'd like to meet me at the park to see the sunset together. mind you, our official date was on wednesday (but he never proposed a time or restaurant, i had to do that part, and i wasn't happy doing that part as the girl but i sucked it up). he agreed, and showed up at 8pm. he proceeded to talk about himself for 45 minutes, and never asked a single question about me. about irene. he said halfway through he was going to see his friend at t&t, so i was even more bummed our hangout didn't seem like a priority to him. it just wasn't a good first impression. i didn't even want him driving me home after. the same night, i actually communicated to him how i wasn't sure if he was interested in me after we met at the park, since he didn't really ask me any questions. while apologetic, this wouldn't be the last time i'd notice this kind of behavior. i did reassure him that we still had tomorrow's date & many other chances to get it right. he ended that night by inviting me on discord to watch avatar with him. we watched 2-3 episodes. the next day was wednesday, date day. he only texted me at 1pm to 2pm, his lunch break, since he went into office that day (hybrid). after 2pm, i still had no confirmation of the time of our date, i wasn't sure if it was still happening, and it was honestly odd for him to be a bit radio silent. he got home at 6pm and texted me rather sporadically, inquiring if i still wanted to go on the date tonight and he proposed 7pm, then 5 minutes later said 7:10pm, then again changed it to 7:25pm because he had to go out and do something. i finally let him know the restaurant closed at 8pm, which he proceeded to ask me, “what else is there?” and i told him “i'll let you plan it.” and he said we should just do this another time. i told him sure, but “ngl if you want this to work out you have to be better at scheduling things, this isn't really cool” to which he said “i know im sorry things got dumped on me” and for all i knew, he couldve been making an excuse. the entire day seemed dodgey to me already, but granted we watched avatar the previous night and ended off on a good note, i gave him the benefit of the doubt. i was still interested. i also told him, though, “you were also radio silent until 6pm and then cancelled” to which he said “i was working? at office” and became defensive. i guess i can see why. but in my perspective, i wasn't trying to be rude, i just wanted to communicate my feelings to him. the last thing i said to him was “if you're still interested, i'll let you plan something” to which he said “oki sounds good :)” and i said “okay then”. i never heard from him again. on friday, i texted him saying “hey martin, just wanted to check up on you. you said you had things dumped on you, just wanted to make sure you're okay.” and he never responded. i was officially ghosted as irene.

that same night, i had a fake instagram account named vivian, essentially a catfish with a name and profile picture different than my own identity. he had a private instagram, and i requested to follow him. why? impulsivity, helplessness, curiosity if he'd respond. and he did. he accepted my follow request without hesitation and followed me back. the beginning of our dms were essentially:

  • me: “heyyy”
  • him: “hi whats up!”
  • me: “what are you doing up so late?”
  • him: “i'm just driving back from kitchener”
  • me: “no way i used to go to school there! laurier!” (i never went to laurier, but for the sake of catfishing, that is what i told him)

the rest of the convo was me complimenting him, saying he's handsome, saying he has a big heart, saying he's cute, etc. literally just full on compliments because i knew from previous experiences that *martin was a narcissist. while not intentional, he thrived when the conversation focused on him and did not seek to ask other people questions unless prompted to. i hated that about him, and used it to my advantage. eventually the conversation came to a point where i mentioned how he must get sooo many dates & asked for date stories, trying to see if he'd talk about our park date. he talked about 4-5 different dates, and i had to keep prompting him saying things like “ohh whats your craziest date”, “had any dates the past week?” “okay what about last week?” it wasn't until the last question where he finally, after the 4th date story, told me “oh yeah there was this one girl i went to the park with on tuesday but she was kinda whacko”. yep, he called me the whacko chick. chick #5, or whacko, both interchangeable terms. he proceeded to tell vivian that i was rude, insulted him without knowing him, kept trying to force dates just because we lived close, and said my mental health was a major red flag, judged me for moving to quebec then coming home to visit family, making fun of me because i moved to montreal without knowing french, claimed i couldve just lived on my own in ontario (the worst housing crisis province in canada). he said all these things behind my back, and i decided i wanted revenge.

i had a series of shitty events leading up to everything with martin. martin just happened to be the straw on my camels back, and man did i snap. the night martin revealed all the shit he spoke about irene, i told all my friends this: i'm going to make him fall in love with me & go on a date with me. and that's what i did, up until tonight. for the first 3-4 days, i spent each day complimenting him, actually, i believe the term is “love bombing” him. i praised his heart, his looks, his personality, everything you could think of, and he was so flattered every single time i did this. based on my convos with him from irene, i also knew he got cheated on, had a cat with the same ex, and had childhood issues. i told him the same story on behalf of vivian, that i also got cheated on, cat divorce, and had a hard childhood to make him feel a sense of familiarity and comfort in another person “who gets it”. i also encouraged him to open up about his childhood and ex situation, making him feel safe around me, someone that only praised him for every single situation he explained to me. i know based on psychology 101 that on his end, he would feel a sense of closeness to me due to the constant texting + opening up about his personal life to me, whereas when i was vivian, i didn't feel the same sense of closeness. i didn't tell him about my life, my childhood, my personal problems, my ex, he didn't know (or care) to ask me any of it. we planned to have a date on tuesday, and i told myself i would end everything here. it's gotten a bit far at this point. martin's messaging me good morning every day at 8:20am, he's constantly saying things like “i can't wait to hug you” “you're so cute” “you're my dream girl” “you're so cute” “babe” “my princess”. and to be honest, irene wasn't ever supposed to care. but i did end up caring. i liked the attention, and eventually began to see him as a human being – not just martin, the jerk narcissist that shit talked the real me to my catfish. the plan was to always have him go on the date with me, then when he would text me “i'm here” i would block him. except by then, i felt bad, and almost like i had a connection with him. but deep down, i knew i didn't. because vivian isn't real. because even if she was, he never asked her (my) age, background, interest, or anything about me. our convos, even as vivian, were all about him. but he really began to like & trust vivian, and my own moral compass began to stir up conflictive thoughts in my head, making this a much more nuanced situation than i anticipated. i'm writing to ask what i should do for advice. our date is re-scheduled to thursday, and i have two thoughts.

  1. i should meet him in person before the date, where he will be surprised (and most likely unhappy) to see my face, and explain the whole situation to him while being sorry. he will not be happy, and feel betrayed, and could potentially make me emotional and cry in public.

  2. i should stick to the plan and stand him up. i plan to block him immediately so we can move on.

it seems like either option will end with him being extremely angry, and i know i took this too far. i got in way deeper than i expected. while #1 sounded good in my head, i know it could also be far more damaging than simply not showing up. i don't know what i should do. i don't know what to think.

this is my story. the story of martin and what happened that night.

therapy notes

  • explain martin situation (guy off hinge, talk sun-tues, meet @ park, communicate, avatar same night, date cancellation wed, ghost)
  • he said i was crazy, rude and kept insulting him, and blew up when he cancelled the date
  • he never gave a time for the date until the day of. he also didnt message me the entire day come the day of our date until 6pm, and cancelled it at 6:30pm because “shit got dumped on him” and didnt try to reschedule either
  • i told him it will be difficult for us to continue if hes unable to schedule things properly and how it wasnt cool he didnt talk to me the entire day – he took this very personally when all i did was communicate how i felt
  • he said i was crazy and whacko because i opened up to him about struggling with mental health he said it was weird i moved to a new city to live alone and come back to visit family and friends due to depression when i couldve just stayed in our hometown
  • he lied about what information he told me that day and is spreading around a false narrative about me
  • i catfished him & acted like he was in the right so hed spill more information (read screenshot)

my evilness

  • i am catfishing him and already plan to get revenge, for a lack of better words. i want to fuck him up.
  • i got him banned off hinge already.
  • i signed his number up for scientology, insurance, religious outlets, the army, etc. and his work email.
  • i had an instance in the past where the same thing happened with someone i considered my favorite person. after a convo where i communicated my feelings (which happened frequently) he told me we wouldn't be friends anymore and cut me off. i proceeded to sign his email up for every newsletter in existence, used a catfish account to confess to his crush that he worked with how he had a creepy obsession with her (and used the name of her pet shrimp to prove i wasn't lying), i confessed to another girl in the friend group that he found her fucking annoying, i signed him up for therapists using psychologytoday and in the little inquiry box i spilled all his dirty laundry to strangers.
  • i have a strong urge to get justice and i thought i put this part of myself behind me, as shown when i didn't retaliate against josh, but now that martin did this to me it came back again. i am sick of self-love, taking the high road, and being the better person. i am sick of being the only person who goes down, this time i vow to take someone down with me.
  • self love – i know it's good advice. it's fine advice, really. but i already do things for myself and have my own life. i want someone to share it with and using the apps is killing me because everyone is so fucking ugly. i just want to find someone. i want to share my life with someone. i'm so miserable being alone while everyone else around me has these happy go lucky relationships. and i tried getting a pet and it didn't work. fuck fuck fuck.

next: martin –> josh

  • martin makes me miss josh
  • i messaged anney (read message)
  • makes me miss everything before february 15 when josh was good to me and wasn't a piece of shit

therapy notes:

  • help me figure out what need josh filled in my life. i don't know how to figure that out right away.
  • how can i live without josh in my life?

in a week, i'm going to talk to you.

i'm making a vow that we will talk. but i have to be smart and give it time.

points to touch upon:

  • the pills thing/sensitivity. this can't be something you bring up anymore. why am i bringing up something from the past? didn't we move on? well, not quite. it's something you kind of avoided when i did bring it up, and i can appreciate that you may not have had the bandwidth or space to deal with that conversation because of personal things going on in your life, and maybe to an extent you were just avoidant about it. but this is clearly something that bothers you, and if we don't talk about it properly, this will be something you'll continue to bring up in future conversations we have. that's just the facts unfortunately. i was wrong for taking the pills, and i want you to understand that i didn't mean to impose this burden on you. rather, i just wanted you to understand how badly your actions (ghosting) hurt me. to an extent, i also wanted you to understand how important our dynamic is to me. you may not be aware but it's been pretty hard on me not having us talk the way we used to, and i know that isn't completely your fault. it might not be either of our faults. but i still want to voice my feelings regardless, otherwise how would you know? i feel like you may see me as someone instable who'll just try to kill herself and has up and down moments, but i am going to therapy now and i really, really am trying to work on it. i am. it's not easy, and i won't lie having you in my life makes me a lot happier & makes things a lot easier, but if there are issues you have with me and those pills... i want you to talk to me about it. i don't want you to throw it in my face if we ever have an argument again. that statement is many things, but at the very least, it's ... rude, isn't it? wouldn't you agree? you are so important to me josh, so stop being redundant about communicating with me. if that shit bothers you in the back of your head, and i'm sure it does since you have brought it up twice before out of nowhere, tell me that shit. i don't run away, josh. i'm not going to be mad if you bring up your feelings to me. i'm on your side always, and i want us to work out shit together, not be against each other.
  • please don't run away. i don't know if you're aware, but you are pretty avoidant. i think similar to what i just said... i wish you felt ok to talk to me about things. like if i come up to you expressing you crossed a boundary, i wish you told me something like “we can talk about this later, i just have a lot going on”, like, it kinda sucks to be left in the dust for days waiting for a response i know i'm probably not gonna get. i don't know about you, but if issues ever come up between us, my initial reaction is to talk things out. like i'm a really “us vs problem” kind of person, and that's why i kept stressing communication. because communication lead to you ghosting me, to our dynamic being disrupted, to the pills, to less talking, to less everything good in my life basically. but i'm really upset that your reaction is to just avoid. that when/if you go into fight or flight mode, the problem will just disappear if you disappear. josh, i want to stress that i care about you a lot, you are so fucking important to me, and in the future i really want us to talk things out if shit comes up. i don't like being left out to dry for a few days when i finally decide to voice my feelings. obviously, recently shit came up, but i also think even if there wasn't shit, you might've just avoided me regardless. and josh, even if you have to avoid me, i don't think it's a lot to ask for for you to give me a heads up. like “i'll talk to you tomorrow”, or “i need some space to cool down but we can pick this up tomorrow.” like it's just unfair on me, and i've tried so hard to be patient, but... this is something i need from you.

this was something i've been meaning to say to you, but as you could tell, we just never had the right time. i do think now is the only time i've ever gotten where i could finally talk about it. i know it's a lot. but i'm only having this convo with you because i really, really care and value our friendship.

it's like i'm constantly losing my mind over the fact that we don't talk everyday, and atp this is something i shouldn't be losing my mind over anymore.

so why am i?

it's such a bad thing for me to be re-reading our old conversations. how in december/january and pre-february 15, we had so many messages exchanged per day. you put a lot of effort in. we talked constantly. post-february 15 is so depressing to think about because the amount of messages we exchange between each other has drastically decreased. that, or we just end up bickering/having an “altercation” and you disappear for a day or two. god, we really need to talk about that. i need to talk about that.

but at the same time, there's factors i need to consider. in december and for the earlier portion of january, you didn't have school. maybe your buddies were busy. maybe you just simply had more room in your life for me back then, and things are different now. i mean, i'm just making an educated guess here. it's not like you tell me shit. that's also something i wish would change. while i was re-reading our old dms, i noticed something you said once, “sorry to dump this on you”. one day, i want to tell you that i wish you would dump more on me. i hate that i wasn't able to be there to support you through your grandma's funeral. i want to know how uncomfortable it was wearing black for you, how people you haven't seen in years showed up to the funeral, how nice it was for you to see your brother again, just little things like these. you keep them hidden from me. i want to be in your life. when we spoke in december, we shared those parts of ourselves to each other. just little things. all this time, i never got bored of you. i want to keep learning about you. keep being in your life. but i have to see how things play out moving forward. now that there's no dead grandma in the way. no ghosting and assumptions in the way. i just finally, one day, want to lay it all out to you. next post about that to come shortly.

what 2 write in postcard:

dear josh,

hello from toronto! from your favorite montrealer, irene. what a multi-faceted postcard huh?! josh, i just want you to know how much i appreciate having you in my life. from our endless convos about random shit, to us sharing our lives with each other, to me ruining your sleep schedule, and even during our rough times. i want us to make it out on top & i look forward to us being in each other's lives for a while. from toronto to illinois, i hope you enjoy this little momento from me to you. don't lose it!

cheers, irene

therapist notes

  • i just feel like
  • im running away from my problems and failing to settle in montreal properly
  • gave up my cat, going to toronto for 2 weeks
  • im so pathetic
  • like idk if ill survive out here truly