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#LexiFiction #learn #English #dictionary #языкознание Translation by #reveso, samples by #qwen, story by #ChatGPT

Jonas had nothing left but a rusted knife and a handful of wilted roots. The famine had drained his village, and he had walked for days searching for a way to survive. He staggered into a trading outpost, barely standing, his limbs trembling from exhaustion.

Behind the counter stood a robust merchant, his eyes sharp and calculating. “What do you offer?” the man asked, eyeing Jonas’s sorry belongings.

Jonas placed the knife on the counter. “Anything for food.”

The merchant picked up the blade, tested its edge, and scoffed. “This is worthless. But I’ll trade you a meal for a day's work.”

Jonas hesitated. His body screamed for rest, but hunger gnawed harder. He nodded.

For hours, he carried sacks, scrubbed floors, and stacked crates. A convict, bruised and bitter, worked beside him, groaning with every lifted crate. “Snap out of it, man,” Jonas muttered, pushing through his own fatigue.

By nightfall, he collapsed by the fire, a warm bowl of stew in his hands. He ate slowly, savoring each bite. It wasn’t much, but for the first time in weeks, he felt human again. The aches in his limbs were no longer mere ailments but proof that he was still alive.

Tomorrow, he would work again. But as he licked the last drops of broth from his fingers, he noticed something glinting inside the bowl—a small, silver coin resting at the bottom. He stared at it, then at the merchant, who met his gaze with a knowing nod.

The past was irrevocably gone, but maybe, just maybe, his fortune was about to change.

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#EN #dictionary Meanings by #reveso, samples by #mistral


  1. гребень – The crest of the mountain was covered in snow.
    • Вершина горы была покрыта снегом.
  2. герб – The family crest was proudly displayed on the shield.
    • Семейный герб был гордо выставлен на щите.
  3. вершина – Reaching the crest of the hill, they could see the entire valley.
    • Достигнув вершины холма, они могли видеть всю долину.
  4. эмблема – The company's crest was embroidered on the employees' uniforms.
    • Эмблема компании была вышита на униформе сотрудников.
  5. хохолок – The rooster's crest was bright red.
    • Хохолок петуха был ярко-красным.
  6. хребет – The crest of the ridge was visible from miles away.
    • Хребет гряды был виден за много миль.
  7. логотип – The new crest for the sports team was unveiled at the ceremony.
    • Новый логотип спортивной команды был представлен на церемонии.


  1. чрезмерный – His excessive spending led to financial problems.
    • Его чрезмерные траты привели к финансовым проблемам.
  2. избыточный – The excessive amount of food went to waste.
    • Избыточное количество еды пропало зря.
  3. излишний – The excessive use of force was criticized by the public.
    • Излишнее применение силы было раскритиковано общественностью.


  1. определенный – At a certain point, he decided to change his career.
    • В определенный момент он решил сменить карьеру.
  2. уверенный – She was certain that she had locked the door.
    • Она была уверена, что заперла дверь.
  3. отдельный – Certain items in the store were on sale.
    • Отдельные товары в магазине были на распродаже.
  4. известный – It is a certain fact that exercise improves health.
    • Это известный факт, что упражнения улучшают здоровье.
  5. точный – The scientist provided a certain explanation for the phenomenon.
    • Ученый дал точное объяснение феномену.
  6. несомненно – Certainly, the project will be completed on time.
    • Несомненно, проект будет завершен вовремя.
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#EN #dictionary Meanings by #Reverso, samples by #Mistral


  1. лопата: He used a spade to dig a hole in the garden.
    • Он использовал лопату, чтобы выкопать яму в саду.
  2. лопатка: The small spade was perfect for planting flowers.
    • Маленькая лопатка была идеальна для посадки цветов.
  3. пика: In some card games, the spade is the highest suit.
    • В некоторых карточных играх пика является старшей мастью.
  4. совок: She used a spade to scoop up the sand.
    • Она использовала совок, чтобы набрать песок.
  5. заступ: The gardener used a spade to turn over the soil.
    • Садовник использовал заступ, чтобы перевернуть землю.
  6. шпатель: He used a spade to apply the plaster to the wall.
    • Он использовал шпатель, чтобы нанести штукатурку на стену.
  7. копать: They needed to spade the ground before planting.
    • Им нужно было копать землю перед посадкой.


  1. умолять: She implored him to stay.
    • Она умоляла его остаться.
  2. просить: He implored her to forgive him.
    • Он просил её простить его.


  1. старческий маразм: His dotage made it difficult for him to remember simple things.
    • Его старческий маразм затруднял ему запоминание простых вещей.
  2. обожание: Her dotage for her grandchildren was evident.
    • Её обожание внуков было очевидным.
  3. слепая любовь: His dotage for his wife was touching.
    • Его слепая любовь к жене была трогательной.
  4. старческий возраст: In his dotage, he spent most of his time in the garden.
    • В своём старческом возрасте он проводил большую часть времени в саду.
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