The Silver Promise (250213/1)
#LexiFiction #learn #English #dictionary #языкознание Translation by #reveso, samples by #qwen, story by #ChatGPT
Jonas had nothing left but a rusted knife and a handful of wilted roots. The famine had drained his village, and he had walked for days searching for a way to survive. He staggered into a trading outpost, barely standing, his limbs trembling from exhaustion.
Behind the counter stood a robust merchant, his eyes sharp and calculating. “What do you offer?” the man asked, eyeing Jonas’s sorry belongings.
Jonas placed the knife on the counter. “Anything for food.”
The merchant picked up the blade, tested its edge, and scoffed. “This is worthless. But I’ll trade you a meal for a day's work.”
Jonas hesitated. His body screamed for rest, but hunger gnawed harder. He nodded.
For hours, he carried sacks, scrubbed floors, and stacked crates. A convict, bruised and bitter, worked beside him, groaning with every lifted crate. “Snap out of it, man,” Jonas muttered, pushing through his own fatigue.
By nightfall, he collapsed by the fire, a warm bowl of stew in his hands. He ate slowly, savoring each bite. It wasn’t much, but for the first time in weeks, he felt human again. The aches in his limbs were no longer mere ailments but proof that he was still alive.
Tomorrow, he would work again. But as he licked the last drops of broth from his fingers, he noticed something glinting inside the bowl—a small, silver coin resting at the bottom. He stared at it, then at the merchant, who met his gaze with a knowing nod.
The past was irrevocably gone, but maybe, just maybe, his fortune was about to change.
- голод
- The country suffered from a severe famine last year.
Страна пережила сильный голод в прошлом году.
- The country suffered from a severe famine last year.
- голодомор
- The historical records describe the famine as a man-made hunger.
Исторические записи описывают голод как искусственный голодомор.
- The historical records describe the famine as a man-made hunger.
- голодовка
- The prisoners declared a famine to protest against the inhumane treatment they were subjected to.
Заключенные объявили голодовку, чтобы протестовать против жестокого обращения, которому они подвергались.
- The prisoners declared a famine to protest against the inhumane treatment they were subjected to.
- недоедание
- Many children in poor regions suffer from malnutrition due to chronic famine.
Многие дети в бедных регионах страдают от недоедания из-за хронического голода.
- Many children in poor regions suffer from malnutrition due to chronic famine.
- недуг
- His persistent ailment required immediate medical attention.
Его постоянный недуг требовал немедленного медицинского вмешательства.
- His persistent ailment required immediate medical attention.
- болезнь
- She recovered from a rare ailment after months of treatment.
Она выздоровела от редкой болезни после месяцев лечения.
- She recovered from a rare ailment after months of treatment.
- заболевание
- The doctor diagnosed him with a chronic ailment.
Врач диагностировал у него хроническое заболевание.
- The doctor diagnosed him with a chronic ailment.
- недомогание
- After the long flight, she felt a mild ailment.
После долгого перелета она почувствовала легкое недомогание.
- After the long flight, she felt a mild ailment.
- хворь
- Old age brought with it many ailments and weaknesses.
Старость принесла с собой множество хворей и слабостей.
- Old age brought with it many ailments and weaknesses.
- надежный
- The robust software system handled all the data efficiently.
Надежная система программного обеспечения эффективно обрабатывала все данные.
- The robust software system handled all the data efficiently.
- прочный
- The bridge was built with robust materials to withstand harsh weather.
Мост был построен из прочных материалов, чтобы выдерживать суровую погоду.
- The bridge was built with robust materials to withstand harsh weather.
- устойчивый
- Despite the economic crisis, the company remained robust.
Несмотря на экономический кризис, компания оставалась устойчивой.
- Despite the economic crisis, the company remained robust.
- крепкий
- He had a robust health that allowed him to work tirelessly.
У него было крепкое здоровье, которое позволяло ему работать не покладая рук.
- He had a robust health that allowed him to work tirelessly.
- сильный
- Her robust voice filled the entire hall.
Ее сильный голос заполнил весь зал.
- Her robust voice filled the entire hall.
- здоровый
- A robust diet is essential for maintaining good health.
Здоровое питание необходимо для поддержания хорошего здоровья.
- A robust diet is essential for maintaining good health.
- мощный
- The engine was so robust that it could pull heavy loads effortlessly.
Двигатель был настолько мощным, что мог тянуть тяжелые грузы без усилий.
- The engine was so robust that it could pull heavy loads effortlessly.
- безвозвратно
- The decision to close the factory was made irrevocably.
Решение закрыть завод было принято безвозвратно.
- The decision to close the factory was made irrevocably.
- бесповоротно
- Once you sign the contract, the deal becomes irrevocable.
Как только вы подпишете контракт, сделка станет бесповоротной.
- Once you sign the contract, the deal becomes irrevocable.
- безоговорочно
- The government agreed irrevocably to support the new initiative.
Правительство безоговорочно согласилось поддерживать новую инициативу.
- The government agreed irrevocably to support the new initiative.
- окончательно
- The results of the election were announced irrevocably.
Результаты выборов были объявлены окончательно.
- The results of the election were announced irrevocably.
- навсегда
- Their separation was irrevocable, and they knew they would never meet again.
Их расставание было навсегда, и они знали, что никогда больше не встретятся.
- Their separation was irrevocable, and they knew they would never meet again.
- неизменно
- The law of gravity acts irrevocably on all objects.
Закон гравитации действует неизменно на все объекты.
- The law of gravity acts irrevocably on all objects.
- необратимо
- The damage caused by pollution is often irrevocable.
Ущерб, причиненный загрязнением, часто является необратимым.
- The damage caused by pollution is often irrevocable.
snap out of it
- приди в себя
- After the shock, he finally snapped out of it and regained his composure.
После шока он наконец пришел в себя и восстановил самообладание.
- After the shock, he finally snapped out of it and regained his composure.
- стонать
- He groaned in pain after twisting his ankle.
Он застонал от боли, вывихнув ногу.
- He groaned in pain after twisting his ankle.
- стенать
- The old man lay in bed, groanin under the weight of his illness.
Старик лежал в постели, стеная под гнетом своей болезни.
- The old man lay in bed, groanin under the weight of his illness.
- охать
- She groaned in the relief when the meeting finally ended.
Она охнула с облегчением, когда встреча наконец закончилась.
- She groaned in the relief when the meeting finally ended.
- кряхтеть
- The wooden floor groaned as they walked across it.
Деревянный пол скрипел и кряхтел, пока они шли по нему.
- The wooden floor groaned as they walked across it.
- ворчать
- He groaned about the weather every morning.
Он ворчал о погоде каждое утро.
- He groaned about the weather every morning.
- вздохнуть
- She groaned softly as she realized her mistake.
Она тихо вздохнула, осознав свою ошибку.
- She groaned softly as she realized her mistake.
- осужденный
- The convict was serving a ten-year sentence for theft.
Осужденный отбывал десятилетний срок за кражу.
- The convict was serving a ten-year sentence for theft.
- заключенный
- Prisoners worked hard to improve the living conditions for the convicts.
Заключенные трудились, чтобы улучшить условия жизни для осужденных.
- Prisoners worked hard to improve the living conditions for the convicts.
- осуждение
- The court's decision was seen as a harsh convict for the defendant.
Решение суда было воспринято как суровое осуждение для подсудимого.
- The court's decision was seen as a harsh convict for the defendant.
- каторжник
- Historically, convicts were often sent to remote islands to work as galley slaves.
Исторически каторжники часто отправлялись на удаленные острова, чтобы работать гребцами.
- Historically, convicts were often sent to remote islands to work as galley slaves.