Hello everyone. It's been what feels like forever and a day since we've written anything here. But we're back, at least for the time being. There will be one more big post, probably tomorrow because the kind of post we need to write is a bit ... soul crushing, but tonight we're not worrying about that. Tonight, it's update time.
What's been happening?
In a nutshell, I've been sick since pretty much the beginning of August. I've been trying to move around in the house more, and on the system side of things we've been writing more journal entries, because they have always helped us cope with life. On the house side of things, Z has been being incredibly helpful to us even despite the obstacles that get in Z's way. We will write more about that perhaps tomorrow.
To give more details, this body has a condition where it will overheat at random, and cause us to vomit quite profusely. Every time this happens, we have to rest for a couple days. It happens more with stress, and nearer to the end of our time with the guest we mentioned in a previous post, there was a fair bit of stress. For the sake of confidentiality, we'll keep that in the household and not discuss it here. So that's been happening a fair bit of the time. But despite all that, we're here. We've been getting more into our games, and have played some text adventure. We've also started coding in Inform7, and will hopefully be ... a bit more with it in the future.
The Tangents
This is a new section we may be putting in our update posts. We have more trouble writing formal posts, but we stick with the method for the main update. We have less trouble with tangents. So onto the tangents.
I don't think we've talked about the Finch app on here, but it's worth a paragraph or two.
What even is Finch?
We asked the same question when we first started looking into it. It's advertised as a self care pet, but it's a bit more than that. You can set goals, and the Finch app will send you notices on your phone throughout the day about your goals. We haven't gotten quite to the point of being able to follow the reminders exactly, but that's ok too. Because it will only bug you one time. You can then later go into the app, start your day with your bird, or your finch, which is why the app is called Finch, and fill out which goals you've completed. I for instance have a goal every day to get some writing done on the blog. Do I always complete it? No, but that's ok. You can also make goals persist over the course of days until they're marked complete. This is good for a number of things. Say you need to check a website at a certain point each week, you can set a goal to check said website, and it'll persist across multiple days on your app. In Finch, each day is a new set of goals. There's so very much more to Finch than just a reminders app. But this has been quite a long tangent as it is, so perhaps if we have some more energy tonight we'll write up another post strictly about Finch.
Back to the Tangents
We've also began to use a mobility aid that actually works for us. Why do we say it like that? Simple. We've used walkers, Rollators, support canes, been told off for using such a “dangerous object as a Rollator, because our stepmother is annoying about literally everything. But recently, Z has loaned me one of Z's crutches, and that works for this body.
Why is my stepmother annoying? Get comfortable. In 2018, I was staying with Dad and his wife. Dad, knowing for a fact I can cut vegetables and knowing also that his wife cannot because she has no fingers, due to doing something categorically stupid, suggests that I help cut vegetables for the next day's dinner. Keep in mind he's watched me use knives and seen that I can do this thing. Stepmother goes absolutely ape shit, and states that I won't go near a knife on her watch because she doesn't want me to lose fingers like she did. How did she lose her fingers, you may be wondering? She was hung over, and wandered outside in -20 degree weather to have a cigarette, knowing she has MS and would probably fall, and having already fallen 5 hours previously. She fell off the porch, because of course she did, and nobody heard her calling for help, because it was 5 in the morning and everyone was sleeping. Nobody else was outside at 5 AM smoking a cigarette. So she was stuck outside for 45 minutes and because it was -20 degrees, her fingers got frostbitten. The doctors at the hospital could have possibly saved them if she'd gone to the hospital the day it happened, but she didn't. She chose instead to lie under a blanket all day and only go to the hospital three. days. later. Hence, she has no fingers due to doing something ridiculously stupid. Ladies, gentlemen, and those who identify as neither or something else, don't do what she did.
This has been the Tangents of Cadence, brought to you by our sponsor, this brain which for some reason can't stay on one topic for longer than 10 minutes.
Plans for the Future
We have several posts planned and in the stage of being written and edited. We're not really sure what order they'll come in, but we'll be making more of an effort on life in general. Though we've been sick, we could have done more.
This post was written by Kayla, with some help from Katia, who for some reason remembers 2018 a bit more clearly than the rest of us even though she didn't exist back then. Spelling, grammar, and accuracy were managed by Farren. We hope you've enjoyed reading.
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