The Cadence Collective

we are the cadence collective, a system of more than 50. Our body age is 24, and we have system mates of all ages. We are into music, reading, creative writing,

Hello everyone, It's been a couple days, but perhaps we will become more regular with our posting over time. We hope everyone is doing well, and having a good week. Happy Wednesday!

First things first

We've created our second tier on our ko-fi, the $10 current fiction tier, and we've posted our first part to one of the many storylines we've been working on. If anyone is interested in excerpts, we are willing to provide small excerpts of our work. Normally we'd pass out our writing willingly ... well not entirely willingly, we're pretty self conscious about the whole procedure, but anyway. We'd normally give it for free, but we really need a steady income and as much as we've been applying for jobs and looking, we haven't yet been hired. To check out the first of many posts in the current fiction tier, visit this page where the post is located. If you're interested in an excerpt, send us a message via one of our contact methods found in the signature, and we'll get back to you as soon as we're able.

Slightly less positive news

Z is currently out of seizure medicine. Despite the obvious need for it, medicaid won't cover it for another 2 weeks, which, according to doctors, is too long for any epileptic to go without their medicine. These meds are pretty expensive, at $120 per bottle. So if anyone can help it would be appreciated. We'll be continuing to post things in our tiers, and may be introducing a middle tier again because $3 to $10 is a bit of a gap. We may also bring in commissions, where people can commission us to do things. A friend of ours has commissions on their page, though they're not a writer, they practice some type of energy healing. Apologies, we went on a bit of a tangent there, but the whole point to that entire paragraph is, if you can assist me with getting z's seizure meds, that would be incredible, I'd appreciate you quite a lot.


To summarize, since this post was a bit of a ramble, we created a new tier on our Ko-Fi page, and would appreciate if anyone who is interested subscribed to it. We've already posted part 1 to a storyline in that tier. Z, our housemate, needs seizure medicine, and any help that is able to be given would be appreciated. We hope you enjoyed the positive bits to this post. We'll see you in the next one.

Contact Us

If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello everyone, Today, for the first time in a bit, we have some pretty big news. We've started the process of setting up tiers on our Ko-Fi. The first one is $3, and it's stories we wrote when we were in school. We have to be careful what we post on Ko-Fi because terms of service are a bit particular about what can and can't be posted, but if you're interested in the School archives page, we invite you to check out the first post to that tier here. It is behind a pay wall, and we apologize in advance for that. The cost is $3, but if you click the link above, the page should immediately show you the price and you can follow the prompts on the Ko-Fi page. We are also planning on starting up a slightly higher priced tier which will feature our currently in progress storylines. Since we write a lot of random things, this will probably be updated more often than the school archives. Feel free to visit the link above, or go down to the signature and visit our Ko-Fi as a whole to see what's on offer there.


We hope you've enjoyed this update, and hope that any who choose to subscribe to the tiers enjoy the content on offer. Thank you for reading. Kayla, Farren, Nicole, Elena.

Contact Us

If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

Support Us

If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello all, It's been a few days since we updated the blog, but we're back again. This is going to be a combo post, updating on the things from the previous post and going into more detail.

Landlord Business

Our landlord came over again the other day because we had to get the septic system pumped out. We also had to have a plumber over to diagnose the problem ... plumbers, let me tell you now, are extremely expensive. We get why ... they're cleaning up the pipes, and from what we understand, pipes can get pretty gross. But still, plumbers are expensive! I had no idea until we had to call one out here. It turns out when the landlord said he wanted to build a wall in between the living room and the rest of the house, he meant a wall with a door. He didn't clarify, so we thought he meant, take a wall and block off the living room so we couldn't access it anymore. That is not what he meant. Thank goodness for that, we like our living room. It's where we watch television and listen to music and youtube videos.

In other News

We also had some friends come help us to deep clean the house, and they did a wonderful job. They're good people. We'd go into more about them, but don't know if they are or aren't ok with their information being on the Internet. We've also been writing stories from random prompts in our mind. If anyone's curious, we will try to pick some of the happier excerpts to share with the blog, just send us a message via one of our contact methods telling us you're interested. We are also trying to work on more blog posts outside our somewhat irregular updates. There are currently 13 titled blog posts in the works, though most of them need quite a bit more touching up and fine tuning before they'll be ready to put up here. In the meantime, we're hoping to become more regular with our updates on here, but to be completely honest, that will fully depend on our stress levels. Which brings us to our final, and not so positive point. Apologies in advance for ending on a negative note.

Financial News

Due to our landlord having us remove our third house mate, we are now financially hurting. We may be able to pay rent, but will have very little money after that is done. There is no specific goal as of yet, but if anyone can support us, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has work we can do, we'll take it. Note: When we say work, we mean standard jobs or even freelance work. No explicit stuff, we're not that kind of employee. You may be asking, “Why in the world do you need money?” The answer can be found by looking through our previous posts, which you should totally do if you're interested in our content anyways. But it can also be found here. We need cash because we live in a rural area that does not have cheap paratransit. Or, for that matter, any paratransit. In order to get anywhere, doctor's appointments, store, anywhere at all, we have to pay at least $15 each way in uber costs. We need to keep our house clean, and those types of supplies cost $20 for a group, $30 or more if you get the refills for the Swiffer mops, and the wet and dry pads. There are nights when neither of us can move to cook food, and on those nights we still need to eat. Meals cost money, at least $25 to feed two people. We'd really prefer a job, because as mentioned in our last post, we don't really like having to ask for cash from our online readers. It's not polite. But until we can find a job, this is what we have to do.


We hope you enjoyed the good parts of this post, and are sorry we had to post the not so good parts. We hope that posts will get better in the future. Again, if you're interested in our fantasy work, send us a message. See you all in the next one.

Contact Us

If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello everyone, IT's been an age since we've put up a post, and we're very sorry for that. It's been an eventful few months, let me tell you that much.

What are we doing?

In December, the month was mostly uneventful. One of our roommates left to visit family for Christmas. January was uneventful until yesterday.


Yesterday, our landlord, called over to help us fix something, as he requested, did fix the item he was called over to fix. He then proceeded to walk around the house lecturing us about the various parts that weren't to his standard of cleanliness. He then made us kick one of the roommates out for ... some unspecified reason he still hasn't told us. Today he texted us to tell us that he wanted to rearrange our layout. Now that there are only two of us in the house, he'd like to help us save on electricity. He wants one of us to move to the back bedroom no longer being used by the recently kicked out roommate. That part is fine. He then suggested blocking off the entire living room by building a wall there. Not a wall with a door in it, not a wall with a gap so we can still get in there and watch television. Just ... build a wall there. We suggested accordion doors, but we're not sure if he'll pay for them. Installing them, according to the research we've done isn't that difficult. Our grandfather had one in a poorly insulated older house. It worked better than the French doors that he used to block the other rooms. Our point here is, we suggested accordion doors, but we don't know if he'll pay for or install them. Luckily Z is able to do a lot of assembly stuff so that probably won't be an issue. However, if anyone can assist, we are raising $150 for accordion doors. If we raise it and it turns out that the landlord will in fact pay for them, that cash will go to getting Z a bed so Z doesn't have to sleep on the couch anymore. Pay links are below in the signature, under the support heading.

In other news

We don't really like to end our posts on a negative note, so we'll share some positive updates. Our doctor gave us new medicines that work. We won't go into much of that but the medicines we're taking are working well and we've been able to function better. We may actually be able to follow through with some of those goals from like a year ago. We started playing a roleplay game that we are ... a bit iffy about right now but perhaps it will grow on us eventually. We are also working on finding a job, because while you guys are amazing to us we shouldn't be always asking for random money from our online community. It's not polite, and we are sorry that it has come to this so frequently.


We thank you for reading our update and financial aid request combination. Assuming the landlord doesn't stress us out too much tomorrow we will attempt to post an update. If you have feedback for more things you'd like to see on the blog, shoot us an email or send us a message on mastodon. If you wish to support us so we can grow to make more content for you all, please feel free to do so, but only if it won't put you in a rough spot. Again, thank you for reading, and we'll see you in the next one. Kayla, Farren

Contact Us

If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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Hello everyone, We're back again by some miracle ... who knows why. But ... we're here. For our readers in the US, we hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving. For everyone else, happy Friday. Here in the United States, a huge thing is Black Friday. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. According to the research I just did, most countries celebrate it in some capacity. We've never liked Black Friday, not because we're super capitalist and against sales. But because we're disgusted with just how ... frenzied ... people get in order to get their Black Friday deals. To illustrate that point, it's story time.

Story Time, Black Friday Edition

I was 5 years old, and by this point in life knew that every Thanksgiving we would go to Illinois to celebrate with Mother's family. That's tradition, therefore that's what happened. Thanksgiving day was never our favorite because they'd crowd 45 people into a space the size of maybe a standard living room with an attached kitchen. While crowded into this space, they would proceed to do things like scream loudly for no given reason, have food fights, yell at football, loudly, argue dramatically with each other about the best way to cook a turkey, and in general have precisely zero celebration of what school taught me Thanksgiving was supposed to be. But I could get away from that madness. They had a basement. A cold, quiet, big basement with a bed and pillows. I could get away from them ... Black Friday was a different story. For obvious reasons, us kids couldn't stay home alone at 5 years old ... that is some form of illegal in a lot of states I believe. But that didn't stop my family. Mother, Margy, and Leah along with their very loud pack of screaming lunatics would leave at 4 in the morning, leaving us kids in the care of the men. That wouldn't last long. One year there were no men present: they all had to work. So all of us got bundled into the car, a suburban, and taken out to town. There, we'd be dragged through store after store. Often used as placeholders in the lines while the rest of the adults continued to shop. Oh, you're hungry? We're shopping right now. We haven't eaten in 12 hours? Oh that's fine, it's shopping time. We were treated like dolls. Try this clothing on. Play with this toy and see if it works. Oh you're having fun? Stop playing now and give that here so I can buy it. The other kids grew to love it. They found it great fun to try on endless clothing and run about to endless stores. But even back then I couldn't stand for long periods of time. I remember distinctly feeling tired, bone tired, more tired than I'd ever felt in my life ... and knowing it wasn't normal. Knowing that it's not normal to need 3 days to recover from walking across a town... But Mother was determined. And the more I struggled, the worse her mood got. One time I fell down. I'd gotten mashed into by a frenzied shopper heading for a display of toys and trying to get there before Margy. I wasn't doing well, so it didn't take much to push me over. My mother didn't react well. I was accused of making a scene. I was taken home and told, “Since you don't want to behave for shopping time, you get no food and no Christmas presents.” Exact. words. verbatim. I got no dinner that day. She wasn't allowed to follow through with the no presents comment, I assume Dad told her no, that's not a thing you get to do. I got books and clothes that year.

Why in the world did we just tell you all that?

As we were typing, we were wondering the same thing. But I've come to a conclusion now. I told this story because I don't want the same thing to happen to anyone else. To anyone reading this with a plan to go out shopping on Black Friday, please remember this. Be safe. Be kind. Accommodate those with you, even if it costs you your place in line at some store. No item is worth losing yourself to the shopping frenzy.


This post was written by Kayla and Eva. Eva's contributions, the story time section, were edited by Farren for coherence and readability. We hope ... not that you've enjoyed this post, but that you have learned something and gotten perspective from it. Thank you for reading.

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Hello again all, We're back, as promised, with today's update. Not much to say that we haven't already said. See the previous post, entitled “A peek into the chaos” for more info about that stuff. What there is to say however, is as follows:

What have we been up to?

Over the past couple days, we've spent a lot of time in what we like to call personal reflection. We don't often post this reflection material on the blog, because it's very intimate and ... well frankly very confusing. We spend this time journaling and trying to pull apart and reassemble the strings of our brain until it all makes sense. It's an always in progress goal ... we doubt we'll ever make sense of everything. When we're not in our own head, we've spent some time scrolling mastodon, and some more time playing space games, text based with soundpacks are our favorites, or listening to music. We think that we've discussed our musical tastes on here a few times, and planned to do a pinned post discussing that. It will still happen ... just not right now because we have a pounding migraine. But we promised the audience an update, so an update we are giving. For those who wonder what space muds we play, we go between Cosmic Rage and Prometheus. We've recently gotten into Erion, but haven't played that in a couple days. We get really really into that one, but during the day we try to remain alert to our surroundings. Well, as we expected, this is a pretty tiny post. We'd like to take a quick minute to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving if you're in the US, that will be happening tomorrow for us. If you're not in the US, have a happy Thursday tomorrow. We likely won't post tomorrow, so see you all in the next one.

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If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello everyone, Today's post is a bit different... something we hope not to have to make a regular occurrence. We appreciate your support and the fact that so many people come around to read what we have to say... and apologize for the fact that this won't be what you all are used to. We'll try and also do an update post if we have the time/energy later on. In a post a few days back, I mentioned that Z injured z's knee. It's still sprained and healing, as things tend to go with most medical conditions. We do not have ice packs, and as those who have had similar injuries may know, ice can be essential in the healing process. So we are asking for enough cash to get an ice maker. For those who are curious we would likely get one that is button-based because all of us are visually impaired in this house. For those of you who prefer exact links before you feel able to assist, check out this page containing a likely ice maker candidate We require ziplock bags, both for making ice packs and for keeping our snacks fresh, and are currently out. We've also reached the point near the end of the month where it's time to do a deep clean of the kitchen for the sake of our health, but have reached said point with a lack of any finances which ... are unfortunately needed to get things such as bleach, pine-sol, more laundry detergent, wash cloths, and a spray bottle to make our mixture for cleaning surfaces. I know ... that's quite a lot. That ice maker is currently on Black Friday clearance for $53. The rest of those items are as follows: Please note: Since we have more characters to work with, as this is a blog post, we'll give you what we've never been able to give you before: a list of the prices for these items we're asking for money to buy. * bleach is $5.72 * Pine-sol is $9.98 * Cloths are $5.78 * Ziplocks are $5.98 * Spray bottle is $1.24 * Laundry detergent is $5.44 * And finally, a delivery fee to get everything here reasonably quickly is $10. If you add all those together, that gets up to about $100. We understand that this is a huge ask, especially around Thanksgiving, and would be extremely thankful for any assistance that comes our way. This should go without saying, but we like to make it clear anyway. We appreciate all assistance, but please do not assist us if you do not feel able to do so. For those who are unable to assist, that's all right. We will have an update out later on today ... if we're able. Support links can be found in the signature below. Thank you for reading and for any assistance you can provide.

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If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello all, Once again, it's been another age and a half since we've updated. We keep saying that we're going to update more often and then shit gets in the way and we just can't or don't. But we're going to do a quick update today because ... don't know, why not.

What have we been doing?

Well, things have been crazy busy here the past fair bit. We had to go look and figure out when the last time we wrote was. Turns out it was the 18th of October. Interesting ... wish we were keeping up on this more. Apologies, we ramble quite a lot. We were supposed to post about this about a month ago but have been sick or dealing with migraines or sleeping and didn't. Z, who we've mentioned on here many times, somehow managed to injure Z's knee, and without going into too much detail, we've been helping Z with a lot of stuff when we're up. That has taken up a fair bit of our time over the past month. However, we don't mind, and would rather use our energy to help someone we care about than use it to worry about things we can't change. Which leads us into our next point. We've been working on changing our way of seeing things. We used to worry quite a lot about just random out there things, get paranoid pacing around the room upset. But we've been trying to redirect our attention away from that kind of mindset. Instead of, for instance, being paranoid about having not put the food away after dinner, put it away after you're done with it, then write down that it's done or complete it with Finch. That's not an actual example, but a hopefully illustrative one nonetheless. The past few days, we've been doing laundry like crazy. We've not caught up on it for months ... not because we didn't want to, but because we were just that sick and screwed off that we never got around to it. But the other day I finally, yes, finally, at 25 years old, learned how to use laundry detergent without making a room-sized mess. Why did it take us this long to know what to do with laundry detergent? Well, for that we have to tell you a bit about our mother.

Our Amazing (sarcasm) mother

Our mother believed, and probably still does believe, that the most important thing about a person is the way they are publicly perceived. Due to this, she would do a number of things. At a young age, we were not allowed to learn to take trash out to the trash cans. We wanted to ... not because we wanted to help her but because other kids were doing it. She instead chose to teach us how to function at formal dinners. At times to the point of screaming at us because we didn't know how to use a knife with our food. We weren't taught that either until our VI teacher told her off for not teaching us to use silverware with some hint of common sense. That's the only reason we were ever taught much of anything. That all changed when we were 14 years old. Suddenly we were expected to know how to do chores. Wash the dishes, she would say. How? You never taught us how. Take out the trash she'd say. Again, how? Where is out? Then she showed us trash cans. Only then did we know where trash went on trash day and why it was so important to gather up one's trash the day before and have it ready.

Back on Topic

Well, that was a tangent about our mother, brought to you by a combination of the littles, Martha, and Farren translating it to something able to be understood by the average person. Now that we know how to use laundry detergent, we've been doing so like mad. 2 loads went in last night, and we've already done 2 today, 3rd is going through. Not that random people on the internet are interested in our chores, but if you're curious what we've been up to ... nothing terribly interesting. Chores and living our life.

What's next?

Should we somehow manage to get a consistent posting schedule going, which ... well, go scrolling down the blog and see how well that's gone ... we'll possibly do some more posts about games and tech that we mess with. We'll continue the updates as regularly as we can manage, but no guarantees on how frequent those will be.


This post was written by Kayla and the littles. Input by the littles was directed and assisted by Martha. Edits were made by Farren. We hope you've enjoyed reading.

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If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Note: This was written when we firmly believed it was still the 17th of October. We appear to have missed a day. It is October 18, and despite the way this reads below, we did not in fact write two blog posts in two days ... unless we did? hmm. you're seeing our uncut confusion in this beginning note ... where did the 17th go? Hello everyone, Today may actually be the first time, in the history of our blog, where we're actually going to manage to post two posts in 2 days, and it feels wonderful. We hope everyone who reads is doing well.

What have we been up to today?

As you may have seen on Mastodon, today is a bit of a bad vertigo day. We've been a bit dizzy, but we still managed to place a grocery order. However, we did that with EBT, or foodstamps as some people call it. Which brings us to our next point. Due to middle of the month bills and insufficient funds fees, our account is negative $100 give or take like $5. If anyone can help with that, it would be appreciated. Assuming we have the motivation and consistency to continue, you will be seeing a lot more from us. And that leads us, admittedly rather clumsily, into the next segment of the post.

Plans for the Future

We plan to do more tangents, as seen in yesterday's post. We also plan to do a humongous promo post, which will have all the house's links on it. That will have things like the Gaptangle's payment links, Z's mixes, or those Z consents to have posted anyway. Our links, Gaptangle's Twitch, all our social profiles, all our linktrees, and probably, if people feel like it, our spotify profiles because this household is a musical household. There are other bigger long term goals, but we have to get the short term stuff out of the way first.

Onto the Tangents

Some people may wonder why we don't use our mastodon as often as we used to. There's not really a cut and dry reason ... it's more that we have so very many thoughts. Most servers have a 500 character limit on posts, and I'm glad they do, otherwise you'd have like 4 page blocks of text as one post and that would not be fun for anyone to read, especially screen reader users. Which brings us to our next reason. With this blog, we can use markdown. We can, as you can see, organize the things in this post by headings. That's how the entire site is organized. We care about accessibility for those who have trouble reading. So we try to break things up into shorter paragraphs or at the very least put them under headings so someone using a screen reader on their computer can look at it, and someone using it on their iPad or iPhone or other touch screen device can also look at it. So it's not a cut and dry reason. For conversations with people, we will always use mastodon, or even telegram from time to time. And sometimes, if people are ok with it, we will use their feedback in our next posts, both on the blog and on our mastodon profile. So any of you reading this, know you can always toss us a mention on Mastodon, we'll respond to you. That account is request to follow due to some ... business we don't really have the spoons to go into right now, but you should still be able to message us and we'll make sure to change the visibility on the posts we send to you so you can read them. It's a relatively short post today, but we may be back with more Tangents. We have a lot of finger energy ... which sounds wrong but I promise only means we have restless fingers that wish to type a whole shit ton.


As always, post was primarily written by Kayla. Nicole and Elena contributed some reasoning to the Tangents, and Farren edited for spelling, accuracy, and formatting. We hope you've enjoyed.

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If you have any feedback, or want to talk to us directly, you can contact us in the following ways. Email us Visit our mastodon page View and follow our Ko-Fi Blog

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If you enjoy our content, and wish to support our work, feel free to send us money in the following ways: PayPal CashApp

Hello everyone. It's been what feels like forever and a day since we've written anything here. But we're back, at least for the time being. There will be one more big post, probably tomorrow because the kind of post we need to write is a bit ... soul crushing, but tonight we're not worrying about that. Tonight, it's update time.

What's been happening?

In a nutshell, I've been sick since pretty much the beginning of August. I've been trying to move around in the house more, and on the system side of things we've been writing more journal entries, because they have always helped us cope with life. On the house side of things, Z has been being incredibly helpful to us even despite the obstacles that get in Z's way. We will write more about that perhaps tomorrow. To give more details, this body has a condition where it will overheat at random, and cause us to vomit quite profusely. Every time this happens, we have to rest for a couple days. It happens more with stress, and nearer to the end of our time with the guest we mentioned in a previous post, there was a fair bit of stress. For the sake of confidentiality, we'll keep that in the household and not discuss it here. So that's been happening a fair bit of the time. But despite all that, we're here. We've been getting more into our games, and have played some text adventure. We've also started coding in Inform7, and will hopefully be ... a bit more with it in the future.

The Tangents

This is a new section we may be putting in our update posts. We have more trouble writing formal posts, but we stick with the method for the main update. We have less trouble with tangents. So onto the tangents. I don't think we've talked about the Finch app on here, but it's worth a paragraph or two.

What even is Finch?

We asked the same question when we first started looking into it. It's advertised as a self care pet, but it's a bit more than that. You can set goals, and the Finch app will send you notices on your phone throughout the day about your goals. We haven't gotten quite to the point of being able to follow the reminders exactly, but that's ok too. Because it will only bug you one time. You can then later go into the app, start your day with your bird, or your finch, which is why the app is called Finch, and fill out which goals you've completed. I for instance have a goal every day to get some writing done on the blog. Do I always complete it? No, but that's ok. You can also make goals persist over the course of days until they're marked complete. This is good for a number of things. Say you need to check a website at a certain point each week, you can set a goal to check said website, and it'll persist across multiple days on your app. In Finch, each day is a new set of goals. There's so very much more to Finch than just a reminders app. But this has been quite a long tangent as it is, so perhaps if we have some more energy tonight we'll write up another post strictly about Finch.

Back to the Tangents

We've also began to use a mobility aid that actually works for us. Why do we say it like that? Simple. We've used walkers, Rollators, support canes, been told off for using such a “dangerous object as a Rollator, because our stepmother is annoying about literally everything. But recently, Z has loaned me one of Z's crutches, and that works for this body. Why is my stepmother annoying? Get comfortable. In 2018, I was staying with Dad and his wife. Dad, knowing for a fact I can cut vegetables and knowing also that his wife cannot because she has no fingers, due to doing something categorically stupid, suggests that I help cut vegetables for the next day's dinner. Keep in mind he's watched me use knives and seen that I can do this thing. Stepmother goes absolutely ape shit, and states that I won't go near a knife on her watch because she doesn't want me to lose fingers like she did. How did she lose her fingers, you may be wondering? She was hung over, and wandered outside in -20 degree weather to have a cigarette, knowing she has MS and would probably fall, and having already fallen 5 hours previously. She fell off the porch, because of course she did, and nobody heard her calling for help, because it was 5 in the morning and everyone was sleeping. Nobody else was outside at 5 AM smoking a cigarette. So she was stuck outside for 45 minutes and because it was -20 degrees, her fingers got frostbitten. The doctors at the hospital could have possibly saved them if she'd gone to the hospital the day it happened, but she didn't. She chose instead to lie under a blanket all day and only go to the hospital three. days. later. Hence, she has no fingers due to doing something ridiculously stupid. Ladies, gentlemen, and those who identify as neither or something else, don't do what she did. This has been the Tangents of Cadence, brought to you by our sponsor, this brain which for some reason can't stay on one topic for longer than 10 minutes.

Plans for the Future

We have several posts planned and in the stage of being written and edited. We're not really sure what order they'll come in, but we'll be making more of an effort on life in general. Though we've been sick, we could have done more.


This post was written by Kayla, with some help from Katia, who for some reason remembers 2018 a bit more clearly than the rest of us even though she didn't exist back then. Spelling, grammar, and accuracy were managed by Farren. We hope you've enjoyed reading.

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