A Peek into the Chaos

Hello everyone, Today's post is a bit different... something we hope not to have to make a regular occurrence. We appreciate your support and the fact that so many people come around to read what we have to say... and apologize for the fact that this won't be what you all are used to. We'll try and also do an update post if we have the time/energy later on. In a post a few days back, I mentioned that Z injured z's knee. It's still sprained and healing, as things tend to go with most medical conditions. We do not have ice packs, and as those who have had similar injuries may know, ice can be essential in the healing process. So we are asking for enough cash to get an ice maker. For those who are curious we would likely get one that is button-based because all of us are visually impaired in this house. For those of you who prefer exact links before you feel able to assist, check out this page containing a likely ice maker candidate We require ziplock bags, both for making ice packs and for keeping our snacks fresh, and are currently out. We've also reached the point near the end of the month where it's time to do a deep clean of the kitchen for the sake of our health, but have reached said point with a lack of any finances which ... are unfortunately needed to get things such as bleach, pine-sol, more laundry detergent, wash cloths, and a spray bottle to make our mixture for cleaning surfaces. I know ... that's quite a lot. That ice maker is currently on Black Friday clearance for $53. The rest of those items are as follows: Please note: Since we have more characters to work with, as this is a blog post, we'll give you what we've never been able to give you before: a list of the prices for these items we're asking for money to buy. * bleach is $5.72 * Pine-sol is $9.98 * Cloths are $5.78 * Ziplocks are $5.98 * Spray bottle is $1.24 * Laundry detergent is $5.44 * And finally, a delivery fee to get everything here reasonably quickly is $10. If you add all those together, that gets up to about $100. We understand that this is a huge ask, especially around Thanksgiving, and would be extremely thankful for any assistance that comes our way. This should go without saying, but we like to make it clear anyway. We appreciate all assistance, but please do not assist us if you do not feel able to do so. For those who are unable to assist, that's all right. We will have an update out later on today ... if we're able. Support links can be found in the signature below. Thank you for reading and for any assistance you can provide.

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