Update, 11/25/2024

Hello all, Once again, it's been another age and a half since we've updated. We keep saying that we're going to update more often and then shit gets in the way and we just can't or don't. But we're going to do a quick update today because ... don't know, why not.

What have we been doing?

Well, things have been crazy busy here the past fair bit. We had to go look and figure out when the last time we wrote was. Turns out it was the 18th of October. Interesting ... wish we were keeping up on this more. Apologies, we ramble quite a lot. We were supposed to post about this about a month ago but have been sick or dealing with migraines or sleeping and didn't. Z, who we've mentioned on here many times, somehow managed to injure Z's knee, and without going into too much detail, we've been helping Z with a lot of stuff when we're up. That has taken up a fair bit of our time over the past month. However, we don't mind, and would rather use our energy to help someone we care about than use it to worry about things we can't change. Which leads us into our next point. We've been working on changing our way of seeing things. We used to worry quite a lot about just random out there things, get paranoid pacing around the room upset. But we've been trying to redirect our attention away from that kind of mindset. Instead of, for instance, being paranoid about having not put the food away after dinner, put it away after you're done with it, then write down that it's done or complete it with Finch. That's not an actual example, but a hopefully illustrative one nonetheless. The past few days, we've been doing laundry like crazy. We've not caught up on it for months ... not because we didn't want to, but because we were just that sick and screwed off that we never got around to it. But the other day I finally, yes, finally, at 25 years old, learned how to use laundry detergent without making a room-sized mess. Why did it take us this long to know what to do with laundry detergent? Well, for that we have to tell you a bit about our mother.

Our Amazing (sarcasm) mother

Our mother believed, and probably still does believe, that the most important thing about a person is the way they are publicly perceived. Due to this, she would do a number of things. At a young age, we were not allowed to learn to take trash out to the trash cans. We wanted to ... not because we wanted to help her but because other kids were doing it. She instead chose to teach us how to function at formal dinners. At times to the point of screaming at us because we didn't know how to use a knife with our food. We weren't taught that either until our VI teacher told her off for not teaching us to use silverware with some hint of common sense. That's the only reason we were ever taught much of anything. That all changed when we were 14 years old. Suddenly we were expected to know how to do chores. Wash the dishes, she would say. How? You never taught us how. Take out the trash she'd say. Again, how? Where is out? Then she showed us trash cans. Only then did we know where trash went on trash day and why it was so important to gather up one's trash the day before and have it ready.

Back on Topic

Well, that was a tangent about our mother, brought to you by a combination of the littles, Martha, and Farren translating it to something able to be understood by the average person. Now that we know how to use laundry detergent, we've been doing so like mad. 2 loads went in last night, and we've already done 2 today, 3rd is going through. Not that random people on the internet are interested in our chores, but if you're curious what we've been up to ... nothing terribly interesting. Chores and living our life.

What's next?

Should we somehow manage to get a consistent posting schedule going, which ... well, go scrolling down the blog and see how well that's gone ... we'll possibly do some more posts about games and tech that we mess with. We'll continue the updates as regularly as we can manage, but no guarantees on how frequent those will be.


This post was written by Kayla and the littles. Input by the littles was directed and assisted by Martha. Edits were made by Farren. We hope you've enjoyed reading.

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