
Beyond wandering


This is not the Truth. Neither is anything knowable. Be sure to be uncertain and certain to be unsure. Do not worry about what goes in your mouth but what comes out. Ensure your vision strays to what you would rather not see from what you would.

Those who deny being and non-being and assert only being have limited the incomprehensible to their reason. That which is absurd and possible, reveals how the impossible is not absurd but may be beyond our rationallity and reason. Beyond the known and experienced is the unknown which has not been experienced.

An empty hand that contains no-orange still contains the no-orange state when the orange is added. The state of being and no-being may be co-present. We can say and understand the existence of nothing. The non existence of something though conceptually harder may be equally valid.

The need to quantify the mystery is futile. This is why alchemy is incomprehensible. Alchemy has achieved the impossible and explains the unknowable.

In an empty valley, there is the valley and the sky. In the sky is the sun. The sun is in the valley. The sun and valley are one. How much more than this is true?

Our knowledge is through ambiguity not in precision. We have alluded to reality through diversity. Perfect knowledge of the crucible will never convey the Mystery of its emptiness.

The Sacred Dragon has regurgitated himself into existence. Thought into the past has created the future. The child gives birth to the parent. Diversity and multiplicity has called the singular into being.

It is easy to sit still, Buddhist Nones/nuns and key monks or Monk keys do it for a living, right? The best way to overcome procrastination is sitting still. All of a sudden anything is more important and has to be done. Drains need cleaning, elderly relatives visiting and e-books need listening. Come to think of it isn’t running a form of meditation? Maybe we should go to the Himalayas to meditate properly? Less distractions? Surely we do not bring the distracted mind with us everywhere? There is no escaping our own thoughts, pah, a likely story! Maybe a nice cup of tea is a form of tea meditation?

And then you sit. You sit because it is your new solution. You sit like you have a poker up your ass. With some droning app. Too tight. So you relax and doze off. You focus on the breathing, to develop your concentrated awareness. The mind has other ideas. Oh the memories, oh the plans for holidays in a meditation retreat. Oh the delightful fantasies of being a Buddha and saving the world. This is your mind? Take it away. Nothing but an internet of cute cats.

Defeat is not an option. It is my mind. I am the master of my destiny. Back to Mx Cushion sitting ... This dear reader is not a mind. It is an explosion in a twaddle factory. It is a minestrone soup with every known shape as pasta and croutons from hell. I will not sit with this idiot pastafarian, I and I. These thoughts, where have they come from? It can not be me, it can not. Away. Away. Holy Mary mother of all that is fine and rosary, pray for us now in our moment of need. Come to think of it Catholicism now there is a fine religion … come to think of it Voodoo/Santería is quite catholic these days. Or dancing with nymphets through the Pagan woods, surely that is more enlightening?


And you sit and you observe and find out what a mess you are. You are no more insane than the other streaming members of techno society. You help your landlady take out the garbage Mr Anderson. Where is the holy Trinity when you need her? Not even the gods can save us from Mx Cushion. I think I may have taken the wrong pill.

Where is the exit back to the mindless Matrix?

And you sit. You sit to find out the source of this mind possessed by every stray piece of flotsam, TV jingle and media meme. After all we are trying to find our self. To wake up to the real nature of our being. So clearly there must be a soul, a person thinking and imagining and sensing every stray sound from heart beats to coughs. Yet there is not.

Oh the humanity.

Every sense of being, every moment of mindless drivel is dependent on a meal one ate, a song one sang, a memory, a fantasy. The Buddhists call it arisings, dependent origination. There is no self. I need to sit down. Where is Mx Cushion when you need her/hymn ...

I am not a number, I am a person but oh calamity, the person is just a number of arising factors. OK where is the Buddhist PDF reader? Let me check this out. The Buddhas they say, there is no self. Noooo! [screams echo into cyberspace]. Who is that maniac with all the crazy garbage. There must be someone at the centre. A sort of soul. A sort of essential being.

The Awakened Ones, they say no. Oh Buddha and Bodhisattvas!

Dear readers, fellow travelers, sangha and new age wannabes, I am defeated. There must be some mistake. If there is no central I, what can it be that awakes to be a Buddha? Somebody has spiked the ambrosia. Why did no one warn me that being awake was impossible, there is nothing and no one to awake. I feel such a fool or maybe I don’t. Mx Cushion don’t think I have finished with you yet. Gonna sit on your face. Oh I am determined now. Somebody is gonna pay for this mix up, this non event and it is not going to be me because I don’t exist …

… to be discontinued …


Q: How do beginners start? A: Find a resource that resonates and begin … http://www.wikihow.com/Meditate-for-Beginners

Q: What is meditation? A: Attentive awareness. Meditation turns your attention to your experience. It may involve focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or a word or phrase. Meditation brings your attention away from distracting thoughts and focuses on the present moment http://psychology.about.com/od/statesofconsciousness/fl/What-Is-Meditation.htm

Q: Isn't that just concentration or focus? A: Yes, that is often the first part

Q: Will it lead to health and stress relief? A: Yes but so will exercise, yoga, Tai Chi and sex. Often more directly.

Q: Why meditate? A: Meditation is the ‘rocket fuel’ of interior development in the dharmic religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism). Meditation is being actively rediscovered and implemented by contemplative traditions in the Abrahamic religions, Occult and new age schools and individually by secular, therapeutic and medicinal meditation advocates. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-16023/4-really-good-reasons-everyone-should-meditate.html

Q: What are the proven benefits? A: On a physical level, meditation – Lowers high blood pressure – Reduces anxiety attacks – Decreases tension-related pain, such as headaches, Helps with ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems – Improves the immune system. http://www.artofliving.org/meditation/benefits-of-meditation – Increases serotonin production, improving mood, behaviour and emotional well being

Q: Can I dabble? A: Sure. Try yoga nidra, led meditations, hypnosis, visualisation and chanting. http://www.freemindfulness.org/download http://www.buddhanet.net/audio-meditation.htm


Q: What can I expect? A: Expect Nothing. Achieve everything. In other words meditation is experiential not an intellectual pursuit. You can read all the recipe books you want. At some point cooking, eating and above all tasting is required …

Q: Who has developed, refined and taught the best techniques. A: The Buddhists. Often borrowing from or influencing other traditions. However this is a cross fertilisation with influences from other tradititions.

Q: Do I have to be a Buddhist to practice with them or using their skill set? A: No. Some visualisations, chanting, practices may use specific Buddhist iconography. You can sit without being partisan. Yosme groups are secular atheist or purely health or healing orientated

Q: Do I need a cushion? A: No. However it is recommended as it is more comfortable. Personally I have adopted the yogic floor/mat sitting method.

Q: Can I meditate in a chair, moving or lying down? A: Yes. Search for the ‘Egyptian pose’, 'walking meditation’ and 'yoga nidra’.

Q: How long should I sit for? A: A couple of decades would be a good start. In other words regular practice as a life enhancing choice, will deepen with time and practice.

GETTING STARTED common situations

Q: Why is it hard? A: You are trying too hard, too long, too uptight or too soon. When stressed or needing a break nearly everyone will say 'give me a break, just need to sit down for a while’. Everyone benefits from sitting still for a few moments and taking some deep breaths. Still too hard? Try yoga or prostrations before walking meditation.

Q: Which is the best meditation? A: The regular one. Ideally daily.

Q: I can only sit for five minutes A: That is five one minute meditations. Twice a day it is ten minutes. Time is measured by regular intervals. Meditation is called practice because it takes, like most skills, practice.

Q: What if my situation is too busy, noisy, crowded etc? I just can’t. A: All problems have solutions. Part of the reason for joining a virtual or actual community is for advisement, encouragement and inspiration.

Q: Something is stopping me. What is it? A: You. You will come across 'you’ all the time in meditation. You can befriend the you’s or think they are an enemy … You will meet many of 'you’ and find their real nature …

Q: I don’t like meditating, nothing seems to happen? A: 'Not liking’ happens. Meditation changes. Meditation is often paying attention to aspects of 'nothing’. A lot of thoughts, aversions, positive mind states, physical sensations etc occur.

Q: What is the best hand position often referred to as Mudra? A: It is quite common for people to use comfortable positions. The Buddha is often depicted with one hand on the other. These are sometime taught as gender specific. The left hand on top for women and the right for men. No idea what is best for bisexual, gay or transgender individuals. See what works for you. Hands facing down on the knees is quite common. In yoga, mudra tend to be more open. For beginners the subtleties are not very important.

Q: What is the best type of cushion? A: Anything that provides firm support and lifts the pelvis approximately ten centimeters. A Zafu is often used by monastics and in temples as this has been found to be very efficient.

Q: Is the lotus posture or half lotus essential? A: No. These come from the yogic tradition and can provide a firm base or unnecessary knee strain. Completely unnecessary unless one is used to such postures through culture, tradition or quasi magical superstitions about how the body works. The Burmese posture is quite sufficient if sitting on a cushion. Be comfortable. In time the reason for a more sealed half or full lotus may become apparent.

Q: Can one kneel? A: Yes. There is a seiza kneeling stool available or one can easily be made. Another aid to kneeling is to use a cushion under the buttocks. Unless culturally disposed and used to this mode of sitting or very young/flexible it can be painful. It is common in Japanese Zen practice. Sitting in a painful posture releases endorphins and is a form of sadomasochism.

Q: Can one sit in a chair? A: Yes of course. Sitting in a chair might well become the Western norm.

Q: Can one stand? A: Yes. Used in Tai Chi, Yoga, Martial Arts and mindful queuing http://www.buddhaweekly.com/the-better-way-standing-meditation/

Q: Should the eyes be opened or closed? A: Varies. Many advocate the eyes open and lightly focused on a spot about half a meter ahead. The advantage is lessening any form of internal dialogue. Closed eyed practice tends to be more useful when the chaotic mind and drifting tendency is less present. In some systems such as Sufism, the drifting tendency is actively encouraged as a form of communication with the subconscious dream state.

Q: What are some cushion sitting useful tips? A: Keep the back straight as if suspended from a string on the back of the head, pulling one up. Move the head head back, so it is more above the torso. Loosen the jaw so the mouth is lightly open. Move the chin slightly down. Remove the poker up your ass. Be attentive, not morbidly rigid.

Q: Will I get help at a dharma centre? A: Sure. Here is a handout provided at a Canadian Soto Zen Centre:

Why Soto Zen Meditation?

We experience life through the sense gates of our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

Any habitual grasping after, pushing away or ignoring of this information from our sense gates, becomes the attachments which cause of our suffering in life.

Soto Zen meditation is a process of freeing ourselves from these attachments and the suffering that results from them.

To set up a Soto Zen meditation practice:

Arrange a sitting space with minimal distractions for the period of time that you plan to sit. Wear loose fitting clothing and turn off any media devices that might intrude, like cell phones.

Choose a sitting posture that can be comfortably maintained with minimal muscular effort and that will allow you to remain alert. The most common postures are the half & full lotus crossed leg positions, the Burmese position with one leg in front of the other, kneeling postures or sitting on a chair.

The pelvis should be slightly tilted forward with a cushion or a bench to comfortably support the spine and prevent slouching. Check your spine to see if it is leaning off center or is twisting left or right. Do the same check for your head and neck. Rock gently back and forth to find the midpoint where your natural upright posture requires the least amount of physical strain to maintain itself.

Rest both hands, palms upwards, on your lap. Your dominant hand should be covered with the other hand. The thumbs should be lightly touching. If your hands cannot rest comfortably together on top of your lap, put something under your hands to support them so that they can.

If physical pain develops within your sitting position and becomes the focal point of your meditation for more than five minutes, quietly adjust or move into an alternative position and continue meditating.

Begin the meditation by observing the physical sensations of your natural breathing cycle in this present moment. Once this has been established, expand your awareness to include the observation of all your sense gates.

To facilitate this meditation with our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind …

Our eyes are left open, gazing downwards at a 45 degree angle to rest upon whatever view happens to be there. It is important to not direct the eyes to move around, search for anything in particular or create a blank perspective by un-focusing them.

Our ears hear whatever is there, whether sounds or silence. The important point is to not search for, reject, or ignore what we hear. Just allow whatever is there to be received without any attempted editing.

Our nose takes in all of the smells that happen to be present, without searching for, rejecting or being oblivious to them.

Our tongue tastes what the taste buds offer while gently resting still against the front teeth and with the mouth closed.

Our feelings or sensations are allowed to arise, live and pass on, without us trying to influence any part of their comings and goings.

Our thoughts are simply observed as they unfold with no deliberate attempts to direct them in any way.

The first instruction of Soto Zen meditation is to allow the information of what we see, hear, smell, taste, feel or think, to be free from being manipulated by our habituated responses.

The second instruction of Soto Zen meditation is to immediately restart the meditation process each and every time we notice our grasping after, pushing away or ignoring this information.

The degree to which these two instructions are mastered, is the same degree to which our attachments and corresponding suffering, simply ceases to be.

Here, freedom, clarity, equanimity and an ever widening heart, can freely unfold.

Are you aware of the consciousness of child and adult?


You should have been through both, with an interlude for the hormone based semi-consciousness of adolescence. What is happening in the search for mind bigger than Marvin the paranoid android? Is a global meme based consensus of awareness emerging in the age of a connected humanity? It has the feel of a hive in cyber-world. Is outsider mentality now part of entertainment for the mainstream cyber-space consumer? Will the requirement for diversity introduce or dull us to potential differences? Is an experiential facet, lacking current means of direct expression emerging independently of altered entheogen induced states? I want a mind I can upgrade and offer memory models and generally have all that Neo and the Matrix offer … Atheism and mechanistic science has found no internal or external evidence of consciousness independent of biological processing.

Surprised? Me not!

Will science expand and perhaps offer new opportunities to those lacking an experience that transcends existing limitations? Or are the intellectual weaklings going to continue a debate with religious bigots, the terminally indoctrinated and others whose spiritual fragility has no place in a mature spirituality.

Parody religions, such as the Church of the Sub genius, the Flying spaghetti monster or my own Cecil the Ultimate Deity (an Open Source deity), rightly ridicule the obsessively infantile, superstitious legacy. There now exists new personal looping, ritual reinforcement of preferred traits used in modern magical methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, psycho drama etc. Do such methods reinforce the strengths and weakness of a partial development? Do we await the new shaman? The possibility of effecting mind through electro magnetic feedback and other games of science? Oh what fun. The oldest intelligence may be nothing more than a field of awareness. The search for the God particle, beyond the Higgs Field, may reveal that gods exist and this consciousness is amoral or partial, dependent on how it arises and expresses itself. What sort of gods are out there? Well there is us in the future or our trans-human descendants. Humanity will be joining any global, universal and multi-dimensional consciousness it comes into contact with. Well maybe not the Borg. Will humanity have a choice? Human measurement is entangled with our linear development. The scatter brain or attention deficit consciousness evolving in the Internet, is a potential for awareness through integration with a more global networked thinking. Favouring the individual in its relationship to the global social network. I am ready to look for, create or join existing gods. How about you? Gonna stick with Nothing?

Dear Friends of all Sentients

In the magical quantum universe the Universe is alive or at least tangled with a living consciousness. We move towards creating AI and finding ways to create virtual heaven and hells. Who will be allowed into the past to copy the consciousness signal and entangle it into a reality they judge appropriate? As the religious nerds find ways to empower a spiritual singularity, how far beyond infinity will it encompass and merge? At long last humanity will be able to invent a deity transcending its limits. Who will be left to crop circles or remain unplugged to the enlightenment?

OM YA HA HUM though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no ignorance for Mindfulness is Present the Sitting and Sangha inspire me

Buddha Nature is present in my hindrances and my thoughts are gone, Metta is activated

Certainty of kindness and generosity shall lead my actions and I will dwell in samsara for all beings

​Christian source: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

meanwhile ... https://sufiway.org/teaching/seven-contemplations-on-the-open-path/14-teachings/41-the-art-of-awakening

... and in in a Galaxy Far Far Away ... In the teachings of the triple dorje:

The yidam or deity practice of Cunti/Cundi is part of the Elder/Theravada/Hinyana (Hinyana is considered the smaller tighter teachings used by traditional monks and verified in the oldest existing teachings preceding written records) teachings. It is not well known. https://cundi.weebly.com/cunti.html

Diety practice is done by Christian, atheist, Shingon, secular and other Buddhists including the YinYana. It is a practice that is transformative but in many different ways.

For Example: The Healing practice of the Medicine Buddha and her mantra this is the vajrayana mantra as I was taught it (Tad-ya-ta) Om Be-kan-dze Be-kan-dze Ma-ha Be-kan-dze Ra-dza Sa-mung-ga-te So-ha https://www.wildmind.org/mantras/figures/bhaishajyaguru-medicine-buddha-mantra

Ultra buddhist humour

Never discuss anything you understand. Clothes ... don't forget the clothes! Forget clothes, the more the better. Walk slowly as if permeated with some weighty liquid. Walk fast but not in any direction that can be discerned. If you're a lay person, yearn for ordination. If you're an ordained person, yearn for laicization. Start your own sect. Throw yourself out. Chant softly but audibly in public rest rooms. aaaaahhhhh mmmmmm . . .

If you visit a temple or monastery, make sure to bring home some small tourist treasure to indicate you visited. Hang it prominently, but with humble discretion, in your living room...next to all those books, perhaps.

Donate your books and ornaments to charity. Offer a small, carefully-crafted smile when someone tells you a first-class joke. If someone asks you if you are a Buddhist, consider the question in a dour and somewhat quizzical silence. Deny you are a Buddhist. Yep did that recently when asked outright. Bad crustacean. Treat all beings with equanimity and kindness ... right up until the moment when you can't stand it any more and simply kick the cat. Repent as necessary. Get an invisible cat. mine is called Bast. Train it to kick you. And if all of this strikes you as utterly ludicrous, find a Buddhist practice, practice it and never mind who's a Buddhist and who's not. http://www.katinkahesselink.net/sufi/sufi-jok.html

The Stream Entrant

In Dhammapada verse 178 we read: Sole dominion over the earth, going to heaven, lordship over all worlds: the fruit of stream-entry excels them.

Pretty cool. So who are the stream entry/winners? One will find various alignments, aggrandisements and assertions from ignorance, experience and attainment. As someone who swims up as well as down from the Far Shore, I like to drown in the dharma ocean as much as any fishy character.

To enter the Buddha dharma stream one has to be good. the Sotāpanna stream winner is traditionally incapable of committing the five worst actions 1. Murdering your mother. 2. Murdering your father. 3. Murdering an Arahant. 4. Maliciously injure a Buddha (if you can find her) to the point of drawing blood. 5. Deliberately creating a schism in the monastic community.

So far so good? Maybe the symbolism of mother has a deeper symbolic meaning for you . . . maybe not . . .

The Science of Humour … as if …

In a secular and post theistic society, organisation of transcendental experience moves into the field of science. So for example the knowledge of the future as displayed by prophets is open to analysis. Is it wanting, incomplete or wrong? We may find the practices of ritual, meditation, physical systems such as yoga or qi ong have benefits. Does this mean we have to become speculative masons, chant to our local Llama or stand on our head? Sanity and rationality may provide some truthful insight. Science is sorting it's wheat from chaff. Are the mystics, magickal practitioners, dervishes, gnostics? A spiritual path that enhances our existing qualities and enables and empowers our well being often requires independent efforts. Otherwise we may be confined to partial, bogus or incompetent systems. Sadly that may be the best that is available. That Ain't funny in Kabbalah. It may be that inspirational understanding requires experiences that are closer to arty crafts than the methodical approach. Our balance may reside between the extremes of science and the genuine gnostic. Such an approach can yield a complementary rather than conflicted wisdom. However tempting certainty, order and method is programmed into us, its partial knowledge is representative of the excesses of all confined thinking. Humour is not a science, it may follow or break rules. Altruistic qualities may transcend biological evolution. Dance and music may be expressions that will be difficult for AI to appreciate rather than analyse, quantify and spur wilder forms … There is much in our humanity we can reappraise. A simulation of humanity may have to include capacities that we consider redundant. A transhuman cyborg may need to suffer, die or feel emotions before we abandon the flesh. We may sympathise with the deluded theist or wish for a wider interior life for the convinced atheist. Each may find value in increasing their store of wisdom by being true to their ideals. It is not a question of sides but an invitation to a larger sphere of influences. Shall we leave it to chance?

A visitor said, “Nasrudin some say you are wise and some call you fool, which are you?” “Such questions are easily settled by the toss of a coin but I seem to have spent all my money. Perhaps you can provide the means for an answer?” https://toot.io/@lobster