The Science of Humour … as if …

In a secular and post theistic society, organisation of transcendental experience moves into the field of science. So for example the knowledge of the future as displayed by prophets is open to analysis. Is it wanting, incomplete or wrong? We may find the practices of ritual, meditation, physical systems such as yoga or qi ong have benefits. Does this mean we have to become speculative masons, chant to our local Llama or stand on our head? Sanity and rationality may provide some truthful insight. Science is sorting it's wheat from chaff. Are the mystics, magickal practitioners, dervishes, gnostics? A spiritual path that enhances our existing qualities and enables and empowers our well being often requires independent efforts. Otherwise we may be confined to partial, bogus or incompetent systems. Sadly that may be the best that is available. That Ain't funny in Kabbalah. It may be that inspirational understanding requires experiences that are closer to arty crafts than the methodical approach. Our balance may reside between the extremes of science and the genuine gnostic. Such an approach can yield a complementary rather than conflicted wisdom. However tempting certainty, order and method is programmed into us, its partial knowledge is representative of the excesses of all confined thinking. Humour is not a science, it may follow or break rules. Altruistic qualities may transcend biological evolution. Dance and music may be expressions that will be difficult for AI to appreciate rather than analyse, quantify and spur wilder forms … There is much in our humanity we can reappraise. A simulation of humanity may have to include capacities that we consider redundant. A transhuman cyborg may need to suffer, die or feel emotions before we abandon the flesh. We may sympathise with the deluded theist or wish for a wider interior life for the convinced atheist. Each may find value in increasing their store of wisdom by being true to their ideals. It is not a question of sides but an invitation to a larger sphere of influences. Shall we leave it to chance?

A visitor said, “Nasrudin some say you are wise and some call you fool, which are you?” “Such questions are easily settled by the toss of a coin but I seem to have spent all my money. Perhaps you can provide the means for an answer?”