Part II (Honkler, Clownworld, Incels, Pilling, NPC, Gamergate)

(this is part of a series, linked together there:

Content Warning for all kinds of fascist symbols, and fascist bigotry like explicit antisemitism, racism, misogyny, glorification of violence and so on in the provided examples

(thread, cont.)

This is a continuation of a thread about radical white supremacist symbolism and language!

This portion mostly covers more recent alt-right signifiers— you can find the classic, more capital-N nazi specific signifiers starting here:

Nothing says white supremacist alt-right like pepe the frog.

Pepe— like a lot of alt-right symbolism— is a “nazis are why we can't have nice things” internet casualty.

Originally an innocent cartoon character, he is now pretty much exclusively a white supremacist mascot.

A more recent and explicitly racist variant on Pepe, the Honkler, started popping up a few months ago.

There's a loooot going on with the Honkler.

His origin story is an 8chan “op” (more about “ops” down-thread) to turn a benign symbol- the rainbow- into a toxic, racist symbol.

The Honkler's signature phrase is “Honk, honk” because, a) clown noses, and more importantly b) Honk Honk = HH = “heil hitler.”

The honkler rainbow-appropriation is also explicitly a troll of LGTBQ community.

The Honkler was created with the “(((clownworld)))” in mind. Echoes (“((( )))”) are a way of labeling Jewishness.

“Clownworld” is a notion that we live in anti-white, Jew-controlled world that is so totally absurd that you can do/kill/rape whoever, because nothing matters.

Clownworld is often depicted as 🤡🌎.

Clowns are those who have taken the “honk pill”/“rainbow pill” (more on __pilling in a sec). They've “woken up” to the absurdity of reality, sort of like Meursault killing the Arab in “The Stranger,” but with a rainbow wig and rubber nose.

Non-clowns are basically the dumb, expendable sheep.

The “clown” attitude is, kill non-clowns in mass numbers, rape them, vote for them because they promise $1000 UBI a month and the world is an absurd and unsalvageable mess so you might as well get some free money, whatever.

I mentioned “optics” before, and it's a favorite point of discussion among white supremacists.

They'll endlessly debate if it's possible to build a mainstream-friendly nazi movement and whether they should put away swastikas and stop mass murdering to become mainstream-friendly.

Flags and gleaming marble European statuary and smiling white children and running for office are “good optics.”

The crypto-Nazi American Identity Movement (formerly Identity Europa) are the most successful standard-bearers of this approach, which isn't saying much.

Nazis that believe in “optics,” like American Identity Mvmt (AmIM) are crypto-nazis.

They claim not to be nazis, but they won't let non-whites join and spend a lot of time talking internally about the “JQ,” aka the Jewish Question, aka “should they be murdered or just exiled.”

Following in crypto-nazi Steve Bannon's footsteps, AmIM and its ilk encrypt explicit nazi concepts into dogwhistle language.

“Jew” becomes “globalist.”

“Zionist Occupied Government” becomes “globalism.”

“White ethnostate” advocacy becomes nationalist “identitarianism.”

Although AmIM frequently tries to recruit on 8chan's white supremacist /pol/, the nazis there pretty universally can't stand them.

They consider AmIM to be “optics cucks”— sellouts too afraid to be their true selves, self-neutered sellouts bending to the norms of clownworld.

AmIM and other pro-optics folks call those “fuck optics” guys “wignats, aka “wigger nationalists,” meaning swaggering, over-performative white nationalist, after the problematic late 90's portmanteau “wigger,” meaning a white person over-performatively trying to act black.

Optics debates on 8chan usually take the form of “should we commit mass murder” and/or “should we commit mass murder and try to pin it on the Jews so we don't look bad.”

“Optics” debates are why the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter posted “screw your optics” to announce his plans.

You can see that AmIM are trying to use Americana/flag branding to push the idea of a white ethnic American identity (as Identity Evropa they tried to build American identity pride explicitly European ancestry, but it pretty easy to decrypt as nazi and pretty much fizzled).

The Proud Boys are crypto-nazis, too, but they've been much more successful at disgusing their nazism by a) assuming a tone of disingenuous irony and claiming that anyone calling them racist just has no sense of humor, and b) using blue line encryption.

Here in Philly, the Proud Boys veey effectively rode the Blue Lives Matter movement (itself a racist reaction to post-Ferguson Black Lives Matter organizing), branding their debut rally—a reaction to local Abolish ICE activism— as a pro-cop event.

Blue line encryption is distinctively alt-right; traditionally white supremacists have been quite hostile to law enforcement.

It's a canny move; by explicitly identifying with the police at rallies, they insulate themselves from police violence and encourage it against antifa.

Okay, back to the “screw optics” wignats. This is a good time to point out that these guys tend to exist at somewhere near the center of the incel/white supremacist/gamergate dark triad Venn diagram.

Incels are involuntary celibates. They're part of an extreme corner of anti-woman MRA (men's rights activists) that explicitly believe that rape should be legal and women should be involuntary breeding machines.

MRAs are the source of the term “redpilling,” after the red pill that wakes up Neo in the matrix.

“Redpilling” originally meant “waking up” to the MRAs' sexist worldview, which is basically, men are oppressed and women are shallow, dumb creatures who shouldn't have agency.

Incels are MRAs who believe that thanks to not-hot-enough genes, they are “betas” doomed to lose the breeding race to dumb but hot “Chads” and perish as virgins, and they should probably kill themselves.

Coming around to this very dark and defeatist mindset is “blackpilling.”

Blackpilled incels believe a just society would recognize their brains & force hot, fertile women to have sex with them in order to ensure a brainy future.

They know it won't, though, so they might as well off themselves and maybe some others as punishment, a law “Saint Elliot.”

“Cuck” means cuckold. It's an incel term for betas like them who are fooled into marrying and supporting an attractive woman but ultimately left sexless as she breeds with alpha Chads, forcing him to support Chad offspring.

Incel terminology has always had a racially eugenic flavor, and “cuck” is a good example.

It's rooted in the extremely racist cuckold porn genre, a fetish category where beta white men watch their wives get impregnated by large and virile stereotypical black men.

Incels are racist, eugenicist, extremely concerned with breeding, pro-mass murder, and really into pseudo-evolutionary theory, which makes them prime candidates for white supremacist race science adoption. It's not a shock that there's so much cross-pollination.

So “redpilling” has become a term for just generally waking up to the “real” feminist/Jewish conspiracy theory world, & “blackpilling” has come to mean generally realizing everything is hopeless and you might as well kill yourself & take out some women and/or Jews along the way.

Incels, incidentally, take their pilling very seriously, & some aren't thrilled with the “fuck it, the world's a hopeless joke, might as well have fun trollng it” joyful nihilism of clownworld “honkpilling.”

Some worry it might be a psy-op against black pill mass murder-suicide.

(Side note: how great of an algorithmic troll is that incel page viagra ad? 🤣)

When it comes to speaking of blackpill-inspired mass murder-suicide, the virgins from gamergate have made their own vocab contributions here.

There's “in Minecraft,” which 8channers tag onto their mass murder fantasies like frat boys saying “no homo.”

8channers will make detailed suggestions of the best tactics for mass murder to those contemplating executing such “bans from Minecraft,” and think ending those provocations with “in Minecraft” undoes any legal culpability on their part (fun fact: it doesn't).

NPC memes are another gamergate special.

NPCs are non-player characters in video games. They mindlessly spit out what they've been programmed to say.

If you're not blackpilled, or at least redpilled, you're an NPC and fair game for mass murdering.

White supremacist 8channers especially like to debate the virtues of killing “the villagers,” after the NPCs in Minecraft, which racists argue look Jewish.

The “villagers” mean the Jews, but also loyalists to the “ZOG” government.

This is taking a lot longer than I thought, so I'll pick up this thread later— I haven't even gotten to Kekistan, frens, milk, or the ok sign yet.

So much sewage, so little time.

Next installment of the thread starts here.

First stop: Kekistan.