Part I

(this is part of a series, linked together there:

Content Warning for all kinds of fascist symbols, and fascist bigotry like explicit antisemitism, racism, misogyny, glorification of violence and so on in the provided examples

original first tweet


It's easy to miss nazi/“alt-right” signifiers are if you aren't swimming in this cesspool all the time.

So this is going to be a running thread on what to watch for, with a special emphasis on vocabulary and symbols that should make you suspicious.

Let's start with a classic and a new variant: 88 and “HH” phrases like “honk honk.”

They mean “heil hitler.” H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, thus 88.

“Honk honk” is associated with the honkler and is often used “ironically” by alt-right trolls.

a honkler image and text:

14, or 14 Words- short for “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

It's most common paired with 88 (heil hitler) as 1488.

tweet with a pepe avatar and @ containing

The echo ((( ))) is used by nazis to imply Jewishness online, as in (((George Soros))).

A lot of Jewish folks have reclaimed it, btw, so seeing it on someone's user name often means they are defying nazis, not sympathizing with them.

“Sheckels” are both an ancient and contemporary Israeli currency.

White supremacists use “sheckels” to talk about Jewish money, and in particular the supposed secret Jewish monetary support they claim their opponents receive.

8chan calls top posts “King of the sheckles.”

“ZOG” is short for Zionist Occupied Government” which is what white supremacists, especially nazis, call the US government (because they believe it is controlled by Jews, a la the “classic” anti-semitic conspiracy book “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”)

“6 million” is a reference to the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. It's often used “ironcially” by Holocaust deniers, like this Texan Proud Boy here.

Zyklon B was the gas used in concentration camp showers. It's a common “ironic” reference point in the alt-right.

Just kind of... runes and viking shit in general should be a red flag?

They don't automatically mean the person is a nazi, but nazis love them some runes— these ones in particular.

I'll highlight a couple, but if anyone wants to name more obscure ones I'll rt into the thread.

The othala rune is basically a crypto-swastika. When I say “nazi” I'm usually just talking about racist fascists in general, but actual capital N-Nazi neo-nazi groups often use othala as a stand-in for the swastika for “optics” reasons (more on optics later).

The life rune is another one of those Nazi-lifted runes. The original Nazis used it in connection with their mythology of a pure aryan/norse volk (folk), so you'll see it connected to that notion a lot.

“Volk,” btw, is another capital-N Nazi favorite. It references that idea of pure aryan race (volk), and it's an especially popular reference for performative tradwives like Volkmom, who was part of that couple who vandalized an Indiana synagogue with swastikas.