
Who are we? We are – A person, – A system of multiple persons, – Tech enthusiast, – writer, – reader, – gamer, – singer.

What do we do?

We write, game and sing. We are also an admin on a server, and are learning to currently design websites in order to complete our task at work, and we do not accept disappointment as an option.

Why this blog?

This blog was inspired by the fact that we love writing and reading. We also love technology and we are multilingual, and would like to translate english articles into our own language, to help those who do not understand and have skills in English or other languages.

What are our values?

We support open-source software. While we work with Apple, it does not mean that if Linux became ore accessible we would not implement it into our daily life and even consider it as a daily driver. We are a good-natured person and try to help, even if our situation might get dire in the future. We support everyone who deserves supporting, and to us, all people matter. all people except extremists, who respect nobody but only what they believe in (that includes nazis, nationalists, socialists, capitalists, and recently, police here.)

What are our pronouns, who do we identify as?

We are trying to currently accept the fact that Yes, we are not only one person, but we also use Ito identify in the writing space, in different languages and in society in general. We are a nonbinary woman, plural, misophonic, blind and have OSDD, and meditation is a huge game changer for us, or me, in general.

What is this blog going to be about?

The blog is going to be about tech, migh contain technology posts in different languages than English, though that will have to be discussed further. It will also contain stories, short or long, anything that I, or we, come up with. I will include contact information in a later post, but this is only an introduction, and I am grateful that you stuck with me till the end of this post.