a poem about the first episode of shortland street

In a land far away, on a small TV screen, A show began its journey, a tale yet unseen. The first episode of Shortland Street, A medical drama, a treat to meet.

The scene opens up, to a busy hospital ward, Where doctors and nurses, are working hard. A young girl is brought in, with a mysterious case, And the staff spring into action, to save her grace.

As they work to diagnose, the girl's condition, We're introduced to the staff, and their position. From Dr. Chris Warner, the charming heartthrob, To nurse Carrie Burton, the one with the job.

With each passing moment, we learn more and more, About the characters, who we'll come to adore. From the nurses who gossip, to the doctors who flirt, It's clear that Shortland Street, is here to assert.

The first episode ends, on a cliffhanger note, As the young girl's fate, is still up in the boat. But we're left wanting more, of this medical show, That's captured our hearts, and won't let us go.

So we'll tune in next time, for another dose, Of Shortland Street, where drama surely flows. For in this hospital, there's no telling what'll come, But one thing's for sure, we won't be glum.