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from jamie-blogs

For a language that touts its low level capabilities, rust has a very rich and complete standard library. In fact, you effectively never directly interact with the allocator, and its actually very discouraged. The reason for that, of course, is that its pretty easy to mess up. As such, allocation management is perfect for showing off the advantage of the unsafe system: it explicitly marks when you should be careful and gives you a very small scope to prove the soundness of. Its much easier to prove 2 or 3 lines of code will never segfault, versus an entire C++ class. Smart pointers (Box, Arc, Mutex) utilize this tool to create sound abstractions over allocation management, and in this article we'll go over how. Lets begin!

Step 0: Learn the Allocator

Rust's allocator API is hidden behind the aptly named feature:

#![feature(non_null_convenience)] //more methods for a type later on

This gives us a lot of things, but for this we just need to worry about Global, Layout, and the Allocator trait:

use std::alloc::{Layout, Global, Allocator};

Lets get started and re-invent Box: a type that allocates a single item. All it is is a pointer!

pub struct Box<T>(*mut T);

impl<T> Box<T> {
    pub fn new(item: T) -> Self {

The thing we interface with is Global. Because of the way it works, there isn't a single static to refer to, we need to just use default() to get a handle to it [^1]. Lets take a look at the allocator trait. Immediately, we find the most important function:

fn allocate(&self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError>

This takes something called a Layout, and returns something called NonNull. Lets cover these.

The Layout Type

Theres actually a lot more info about a pointer than just the exact address it points to. We also need to know how big the item is, so that we know how many bytes to read. Usually this is static and provided by the type, but with dynamically sized types like [T] it needs to be carried around with the pointer itself (something called a “wide-pointer”). On top of that, pointers have something called an alignment, which requires that they begin on an address divisible by a power of two[^2]. Layout carries all of this info for us, and actually provides a method to generate it from a type:

let layout = Layout::new::<T>();

The NonNull Type

Pointers shouldn't be null. Rust provides functional error handling schemes like Option that are very preferred over sentinel values for a multitude of reasons. This leads to the situation where OxO is a representable value, but should never be constructed. NonNull enforces this invariant: it asserts that it will never be null. The main caveat of Option is that we need to carry along another entire boolean byte just to keep track of which variant it is. However, with NonNull we now have a forbidden value that the compiler promises will never exist! As such, NonNull provides whats called niche optimization: Option will use the forbidden 0x0 value as the discriminant of None, and means that it doesn't need any more size than the type itself. Cool stuff!

assert_eq!(size_of::<NonNull<u8>>(), size_of::<Option<NonNull<u8>>>());

Lets change the pointer type in our box, as it'll always be valid.

pub struct Box<T>(NonNull<T>);

Getting Memory

Back to the function! Lets get the allocator and give it a layout of our type:

let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
let ptr = Global::default().allocate(layout).unwrap();
let ptr = ptr.cast::<T>();

Now we have a pointer to some of our own data on the heap! First thing you'll notice is that we actually need to manually cast the pointer to the type we need, as allocate simply returns a slice of bytes. Lets not forget to actually write our data into that allocation:

unsafe { ptr.write(item) };

This is unsafe as we need to guarantee that we are allowed to write to that space in memory. Since we just allocated that memory with a layout generated from T, we know that this is okay.

Getting rid of the Memory

We have a situation now where the default drop actually doesn't suffice. All rust does right now is delete the pointer when the box gets dropped. But the allocator doesn't know that happened! This is called a memory leak, where data has been allocated on the heap, and all pointers to that memory are destroyed without reallocating. Our data is doomed to forever sit untouched on the heap, alone and forgotten. Luckily, rust has destructors. Implementing the Drop trait lets us run arbitrary code before the data gets destroyed, so this is the perfect place to deallocate!

impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { self.0.drop_in_place() };

        unsafe { 
                self.0.cast(), Layout::new::<T>()

This is pretty similar to when we created the box, just in reverse. Once again, we need to provide a NonNull<u8>, which is why we call cast(), and the layout of our type. We also want to make sure that whatever deconstructor T has is run, with drop_in_place. This method is unsafe because it doesn't actually remvove the data in that memory, it simply runs the Drop implementation. Reading that memory from that point forward is undefined behavior.

And thats all she wrote! Along with a simple Deref impl, we've created a safe abstraction for storing data on the heap!

impl<T> Box<T> {
    pub fn new(item: T) -> Self {
        let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
        let ptr = Global::default().allocate(layout).unwrap();
        let ptr = ptr.cast::<T>();
        unsafe { ptr.write(item) };


impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { self.0.drop_in_place() };
        unsafe { 
                self.0.cast(), Layout::new::<T>()

impl<T> Deref for Box<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        //we know that this is safe because we can only get a Box from a safe function
        unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }
  1. Alternatively, you could store the allocator in the struct, as it takes up no size.
  2. Alignment is admittedly something I barely understand, I simply take it as a weird optimization that hardware does, and it really doesn't like when you break it.

thank you for reading <3 i plan to write a part 2 soon that implements vec. i figured it would be better to teach the allocator api in its own smaller article. sorry to those who read this before i added the deallocation part. oops...


from GreyFlos


峄山的大弟子死了。当这个大快人心的消息传到武林盟时,一应人都敞开了脸,拍手欢笑。   死的好呀!刚出江湖的女侠叫道,泪水从她眼眶里盈盈溅出,落到茶水里,变出两朵美丽的青花。她自幼长在不知名的小门小派,相依为命的师兄师姐、师弟师妹,上下十几口皆被屠尽,只留她一个逃出生天,去趟清白世间的浑水。   他这一死,剩下的峄山邪道必定心神大乱;江湖和平的日子,瞧着是迫在眉睫了。衣裳褴褛的说书人老神在在道。他曾接过他师父百晓生的称号,着手编排起这一代的江湖三榜:名宿、名器、点蜻。做这活计本就不易,而说书人赶上了最好的时机,也赶上了最差的时机。   这名宿榜的第一常年空缺,第二自然是那峄山山主——凭一己之力胁迫了整个江湖的戴紫岩。正道不愿承认一个魔头的兴风作浪,却真真无人较他更厉害,为着虚无缥缈的面子,强求说书人的师父留下这个空缺。就在说书人成为百晓生的十年前,峄山山主却忽然凭空消失,留下一本秘籍后便寻得大道,白日飞升去也。除却开天辟地的传说,往年再不见他人飞升上界。江湖疑心已久,峄山山主的成功无疑最有力的佐证。邪道中人大为振奋,嘲笑武林正道的路,嘲笑他们自诩良善,到头来还不如造尽杀孽。于是江湖大乱,不少正道弟子被此番言论蛊惑,转身投入邪教不提,峄山山主的大弟子更继承了他的衣钵,变本加厉地对众生施加折磨。实力高强的名侠何时死掉都不再稀奇,名宿榜一天该变上几回合;点蜻榜上的新秀往往梦想匡扶正义,被邪道压得眼不是眼、头不是头,还未踏出家门,常常半道崩殂。说书人苦恼得不得了,一柄扇子折了又折,如今终于如遇甘霖。   真是死得恰逢其时、恰得其所,算是他平生中唯一做得的好事!满脸通红的大汉醉道。他喝了太多的酒,多到双手已无法挥动昔日令他扬名江湖的劈山双斧。他青梅竹马的爱妻,他甫出生三日的儿女,都是死在峄山首徒的指甲盖下。巨变让大汉只能终日借酒浇愁,将自己痛楚的心浸泡在无穷无尽的劣酒烈酒中。他在前半生里杀过许多榜上有名的恶人,却无法保护自己的挚爱。他已不再年轻,不再力大无穷,但武林盟仍旧愿意将他当一个名气鼎旺的侠客而尊敬赡养,大汉感激于盟主的恩德,不再试图寻死。   峄山大弟子的死讯,令他们如获新生。还有无数无数的人,或许平民百姓,或许小有所成,他们既不于同日生,也不会于同日死。但在听闻这个大快人心的消息时,他们却不约而同地想:   恶贯满盈的涂抱漆——他的死,竟算得上一桩好事。倘若他泉下有知,想必也会顿感荒谬。


  不然如何说正道永远无法理解邪道中人的思维。正如他们不明白为何邪道要把活人炼成肉参,把死人的魂魄吸进灯里,再把尸身唤为兵器,永生永世供其主驱弛一般,涂抱漆临死前想着的不是如何脱身,如何尽全力一搏,如何向他们跪地求饶、追悔莫及,而是:除却自己的死亡,他平生中还做过一件好事……天大的好事。   随着有丹血玉龙美名的少侠郑麟一节节踩碎他雪白的脊梁骨,涂抱漆勉强抬起失去知觉的右手,无比轻柔地抚上了自己的唇。是了,是了,就是这里……当初就是这只手……仿佛师尊唇瓣的热度还烙印其上,涂抱漆轻快地笑了。迫于姿势,他的头颅垂落在地,眼里是满地的尘埃和泥土,无人看见他猖狂而甜蜜的微笑,他无需因此多挨上一刀折磨。可无论郑麟再怎么用力,涂抱漆都没有如他们所愿地发出惨叫。只要想起当时的情景,一股热血就要直灌进他的五脏六腑。尽管他的血早已凉透,涂抱漆还是觉得好开心。眼见郑麟的刑罚不再管用,其他人似乎终于失去了耐心,一并加入了对他的围剿。对魔头讲礼义廉耻的家伙都是大傻瓜。涂抱漆的经脉里还残留着最后一点内力,如果他想,他当然能拖一两个,甚至三四个人给他陪葬,涂抱漆毕竟是如今的邪道第一高手啊。但他没有这么做,反而拿这些可怜的内力先行短暂地护住了自己的周天,好让自己在这种惨痛的折磨中再坚持一会儿。   他并非想苟延残喘。而是借着最后一口气,多想想……想一想……师尊。他就几乎能够嗅闻到:师尊身上终年萦绕不散的幽香。混杂着人血与栀子兰的味道,芬芳得令他好想吐。胃酸阵阵上涌,涂抱漆的一根小指被削去了——真走运,他想,是左手尾指。因此他继续趴在地上,一动不动地遭受厄运,像条被人剖去鳞片的死鱼。鱼的记忆很短,但涂抱漆记得很清楚,当时他亲了师尊,还是最亲密的唇舌交缠。他慢慢地吮吸着戴紫岩的唇,描摹他每一道淡淡的唇纹,让它们浮现出艳丽的潮红。他很早以前就跟在戴紫岩身边了,早到戴紫岩会习惯性地吻他的发旋……要安抚小孩子么,就吃这一套。涂抱漆一直记得戴紫岩教导他的每一句话,传授给他的内功心法、炼丹妙方,笑语晏晏地叫他把两脚羊领到祭坛前杀掉,和厌恶嫌弃地讲,这个人的血真是脏,你做事仍太不小心了,抱漆。他喜欢师尊教导他的每一句话,喜欢从那张漂亮的口中吐出的每一个字,喜欢到情不自禁地吻上去,喜欢到要把戴紫岩剥皮抽筋、吞吃殆尽。    






     那是姜安钰第一次看见戴紫岩为什么人而哭泣,也是最后一次。听到二师兄搜来两坛上好的奇寒酿进献给师尊的消息后,她立即丢下手中血淋新鲜的人头,急匆匆地赶回了峄山。她并不嗜酒,不过是奇寒酿的美名太响亮:要在千年寒潭里封存整整五十个年头,佐以举世罕见的几位草药,还非至诚至纯之人不可酿成。因此曾为奇寒酿封坛的几位大师都把酒看得重过自己性命,不肯轻易让魔头糟蹋了去,即便落进敌手,受尽折磨也从不开口。姜安钰好奇二师兄的手段,更存了悄悄吓师尊一跳的童趣心思,于是叫候在大殿门口的小侍女莫要通传,蹑手蹑脚地穿过长廊,屏息走到幽人居前。戴紫岩正伏身于庭院正中案几旁,隐约露出半张昳丽幽暗的面孔来。   不知何人吹奏的笛声从远方渺渺飘来,她瞧见案几上摆着那两坛奇寒酿,酒香醇清,其色净如冰雪;的确难得。就在她将要显现真身的前夕,却恍然见戴紫岩抬起脸,正面无表情地流泪。月光映出他蜿蜒的泪痕,一时竟动人心魄。所有的苦水就从那双眼里倾倒而下,姜安钰怔在原地,欲望难以自持地翻腾于心。   戴紫岩的神情,实在不像一个伤心客应有的惨痛。除却真珠般明亮的湿漉,他倒与寻常人别无二致,甚至没有一丝悲哀情绪外泄。可姜安钰不会怀疑她师尊的肝肠寸断。他平日毕竟厉害到那种地步,若不是黯然到极点,怎能连感官都已丧失。难道师尊强大至此,也会因俗事而伤心透骨?又是什么俗事能让师尊都无法挽救?她拜入峄山门下,本是为了让自己不再彻夜悲怮,此刻却想,她是要让师尊不再难过了。   她不知道,戴紫岩是在怀念杜明光。   杜明光是戴紫岩收下的第五个弟子,同样是峄山所有亲传弟子里最不像邪道的一个。他穿最清净的白衣,梳最整齐的发冠,佩最高华的名剑,行事作风都磊落得蕴藉浩然,从不故意折磨降将,总是说到做到地一剑穿心。许多邪道都看他不起,平日受迫于戴紫岩的威严而不敢在大庭广众之下搬唇递舌,但背地里定免不了说三道四、捕风捉影。他们暗恨戴紫岩的管教,尽管这种管教实际推迟了他们的死期。戴紫岩实在将尺度握得很好,常在邪道把事情做绝时轻飘飘地干涉一二。如此一来,正道便还能在茫茫血海中窥见一丝光亮,不至于忍无可忍到奋起反抗。普通人尚要得寸进尺,更别提因各种心法武功被放大了欲望的邪修,他们不愿深究——明明峄山山主已经站到了武林巅峰,为何仍不肯一统江湖。于是这缘由被牵扯至杜明光身上,他们说是因为他心存可笑的善念,才招致戴紫岩猫捉老鼠逗弄般的手下留情,毕竟戴紫岩对他的弟子一向有所偏颇,偏颇到了戏称为再生父母也不为过的程度。何况杜明光的身世算不得什么稀奇事,随便拉来哪个不怕事的邪道都能讲上一段。




  我把眼珠让给了你。涂抱漆一瞬不瞬地盯着姜安钰看,问:为什么要这么做?   姜安钰天真秀美的脸渐渐扭曲了。她歇斯底里地冲着涂抱漆喊:我不要你让!他本来……它们本来就是我的!我的!我的……   话到最后,她竟然哭了。   往日朝戴紫岩撒娇卖乖时,姜安钰也会假模假样地流一流眼泪。她那时哭得很好看、很美,好似梨花带雨,无论谁见了,都会不由自主地对她怜惜一二。几个师兄师姐自然不例外,不甚重要的东西,也就顺水推舟地让给她了。可现在姜安钰的眼泪一点儿也不美。她哭得很丑,整张脸孔都皱起来,鼻头通红,水珠顺着脸颊滑下,沾湿了她以天蚕丝缝制的衣领。这件衣服还是戴紫岩送给她的。那时姜安钰快要迎来她的十六岁生日,她说她看见武林大家的小姐都有漂亮裙子,自己满衣柜里却只有黑的、紫的,也想穿红戴绿一回。戴紫岩本就不会送她和别人款式相同的衣服,做他的弟子,自然事事都要举世无双。他听闻许家村近来长成了一对最好的绣娘,连胭脂阁的裁缝也比不过,就抽炼制万魂幡的空去了一趟,见她们不肯助纣为虐,就干脆利落地灭村夺人,叫绣娘夜以继日地赶工,用天蚕丝、鸾凤绳、心蛊与千年藤,做出这条世间独一无二的鹅黄裙子,给姜安钰当生辰贺礼。拿到裙子的姜安钰又不肯穿了,说怕同人斗争时不小心弄脏弄坏;戴紫岩当然无谓,只讲再找人给你缝是了。可姜安钰仍是推拒。没想到她今日却这副打扮。   涂抱漆叹了一口气。他说:何必呢?   尽管姜安钰哭得如此狼狈,她手里仍旧护得那个锦绣盒子很紧,庄重得恍若对待全世界最贵重的珍宝。戴紫岩的招子躺在锦绣软绸中,一动也不动。周遭一时寂静,只听得姜安钰凄凄惨惨的哭声。正道武林看着这对师兄妹上演的闹剧,猜不透峄山人又在演什么该死的戏码,只从话内推断一二,是因争夺活人的器官而手足反目,不由得越发厌恶峄山。涂抱漆擅控人心,不消一瞬便揣测明白了正道的心思。世人皆说美人在骨不在皮,既然由一副森森骨架也能看出美丑,那从眼瞳出发只会更加轻松。他师尊是天底下最美的人,他的眼睛自然郎绝独艳。要是被正道那些人瞥见,指不定倒真以为它们是什么遗世秘藏。可在峄山这些有心人的脑中,它们比一切天材地宝都要珍稀上千倍万倍。 和歪魔邪道,还有什么话好讲!嗓音恨恨的大侠道。说这话的人或许忘了,姜安珏正是他口中的歪魔邪道。或许是压根就不在乎她的想法。   先别着急开打呀。姜安钰不哭了,反倒笑吟吟地和武林正道讲,她又重新变得美丽活泼,转过身来,只用那种字字甜蜜的语调同涂抱漆说:   大师兄,你说是你让给了我,那现在就还你好了。   不等众人反应,姜安钰抚上眼眶,用空闲的左手硬生生把自己的一对眼珠摘了出来。方才流过的泪凝结成血,砸碎在坚实厚重的土地上。停在山崖边松树上的乌鸦聒噪声声,没兴趣捡不闪不亮的珠子,呼地成群振翅飞走了。她一边笑着叫嚷:还给你啦!一边把眼珠毫不在意地掷到涂抱漆面前。她摩挲着自己尚且白嫩的脸颊,把指尖上沾染的血抹干净,随即打开锦绣盒子,小心翼翼地捧出戴紫岩的眼珠,再嵌进黑漆漆的眼洞里。她胡乱地塞,疼痛对她来讲早已无谓了,只一心想让戴紫岩的眼睛同她严丝合缝。她孺慕戴紫岩,拿他当高山屏障,以他的行事为准则,以他的武功作目标。她梦想越过高山,在外当条清澈明静的河流,又心安理得地享受着天险对她的细心呵护,活得无忧无虑,整日最难过的事总是哪个师兄又赶在她前边杀了自己看中的肉参。有时姜安珏会想,要是师尊炼制万魂幡时将她一起抽魂炼魄就好了。都说有灵性的武器会和主人一同殉葬,那她和师尊死后也可以生生世世一直待在一块了呀。 可师尊死了,她还好端端地活着。单单拥有他的眼睛怎么够呢? 姜安珏从没想过要继续在人间走下去。可她厌恶活得坦然自若的大师兄,他甚至恬不知耻地吃掉了师尊的整张皮囊.......涂抱漆平日吃饭总是匆匆忙忙,怎么可能懂得珍惜师尊的遗骨,想必囫囵吞枣。所以她主动勾结水天道门的长老,说她会毒害涂抱漆,带他到提前设有天罗地网的昆丘崖来,好让正道剿灭峄山的大弟子、最大的魔头。她的大师兄。她真是好恨他,是他拦住她,不让她在那之后觅死觅活,说甚么现在还不是时候。师尊死去整整十年,姜安珏和涂抱漆之间的联络随之骤然清减,一年到头三四回都嫌多。她似乎改了性子,不再动不动便大开杀戒。某次路过街头时,姜安钰听白发苍苍的阿婆讲:奈何桥上全是赶着投胎的鬼,都说有缘彼岸花前见,但能再次执手的却寥寥无几。 她眨眨眼睛。都被人潮冲散啦。整整十年过去,一想到自己死后无法与师尊在黄泉路上相见,姜安珏就惶恐得浑身发寒。她还能找到师尊,找到对她全天下最最好的那个戴紫岩吗?要不是涂抱漆的阻拦,她哪有心思管那么多人间的是是非非,早就不管不顾地跳入凤凰井去了——在小时候戴紫岩为哄她睡觉而讲的床头故事里,凤凰井是离地府最近的某道关口。涂抱漆只是面带无奈地打量着被她扔到地上的一对眼珠,还有姜安珏溢满血泪的眼窝。或许是太慌忙,她怎样都无法达到成功,一张脸变得吓人惊惧。小师妹那么爱美,若望见镜子里的自己定要心急如焚;但她往日那么聪慧,此时竟也愚笨无比了。 他、夏广陵、乔丈萝、殷重,朝思暮想着的事,皆与她如出一辙啊。若英年早逝的杜明光还活着,也绝不会心有旁骛。不过她既然选择了这条路,作为师兄的涂抱漆自然放任她做。他喝下她特地调制的酒中蛊虫,装作无知觉地随她登上昆丘。他微微笑着,心下却仍有一丝怅然。在涂抱漆转过眼去的刹那,他忽然瞧见一抹冷冷寒光,雷鸣电光般迅捷地横过姜安珏的前胸。 武林正道终于有人按捺不住了。一个年轻的侠客利剑出鞘,趁姜安珏专注于那双招子、无法防备时,利落地使剑从背后捅入了她的心口。妖女!他愤恨道:你杀掉我的胞弟,自己便也尝尝看被人穿心的滋味如何...... 没等他把话讲完,侠客就情不自禁地往前趔趄几步。原是姜安珏自己拽着冒出胸口的剑尖拉扯,好让它刺得再深一些、再重一些。她歪着头,鬓发散乱地垂在腰后,情不自禁地吃吃笑着,笑声中听不出丝毫痛楚之意。侠客悚然一惊,不由自主地卸了力,骂声跌落在地,化作粘稠腥咸的铁锈。姜安珏才不管他什么反应,只唰拉一声倒抽出剑,再从前胸由相同的位置穿入。衣裳无可避免地被她的鲜血染红,刺绣尽污,她仍是只希望它被刺破的地方越少越好。涂抱漆站在原处,静静地看她的身躯软倒在地,最后一刻还死死地空洞着,就如此失去了所有声息。 峄山的人都是怪物......无情无义、无情无义.......手足相残....... 周遭复又热闹起来。正道武林的怒斥责骂传入他耳中,涂抱漆却想起戴紫岩把姜安珏带上峄山的那天。他手里还抓着刚挖出的心肺,就和小姑娘仓促地见了第一面。他本不觉有异,却念及小孩子还不晓事,难免被这幅模样吓到,要是因受惊而风寒发烧,那可不好,还要劳烦师尊分心。正当涂抱漆打算将手背到身后去时,小姑娘忽然冲他笑了。那时他觉得,她长大后肯定要比那些所谓的江湖第一美人第二美人好看得多,且会在他们这些师兄师姐的照顾下活得很幸福。她不害怕他呢,难怪早不收徒的师尊破了例。他明白她今天穿那裙子来的用意,她知道她会死在这儿,知道会有哪个愣头青跳出来想杀她,所以从前再怎么不舍得穿的东西,随之全都无所谓了。 何况穿这身衣裳下去找戴紫岩,没准他就也能一眼看见她了。


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Navigating Workers' Compensation Claims After a Car Accident in Los Angeles

In the bustling city of Los Angeles, car accidents are an unfortunate reality that many individuals face daily. Whether it's a minor fender-bender or a more serious collision, the aftermath can leave victims grappling with injuries, medical bills, and lost wages. For those who are injured while on the job, understanding the complexities of workers' compensation claims becomes crucial. This is where Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney steps in to provide expert guidance and support.

Assessing the Situation

Following a car accident while on the job, the first step is to ensure safety and seek medical attention if necessary. Once immediate concerns are addressed, it's essential to report the incident to both the employer and relevant authorities. Promptly informing the employer establishes the groundwork for initiating the workers' compensation claim process.

Seeking Legal Counsel

Navigating the intricacies of workers' compensation claims, especially in the context of a car accident, can be daunting without proper legal representation. This is where Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney becomes invaluable. With their expertise in workers' compensation law and extensive experience in handling car accident cases in Los Angeles, they provide clients with the guidance and advocacy needed to secure rightful compensation.

Gathering Evidence

Building a strong case requires comprehensive evidence gathering. This includes documentation of the accident scene, medical records detailing injuries sustained, witness statements, and any relevant communications with the employer or insurance company. Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney assists clients in compiling and organizing this evidence to support their claim effectively.

Filing the Claim

Once all necessary documentation is gathered, Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney guides clients through the process of filing a workers' compensation claim. They ensure that all required forms are completed accurately and submitted within the designated timeframe, avoiding potential delays or complications in the claims process.

Advocating for Fair Compensation

Throughout the claims process, Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney serves as a steadfast advocate for their clients' rights. They negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of their clients, striving to secure fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and any other applicable damages resulting from the car accident.

Resolution and Closure

With Kesh Law Workers Compensation Attorney's dedicated representation, clients can navigate the workers' compensation claims process with confidence and peace of mind. Whether through settlement negotiations or litigation, they work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients, providing closure and financial stability in the aftermath of a car accident.

In conclusion

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from Butterfly.here


This loneliness This sadness I just should stop expecting from people No one is mine here No one is true friend Just PPL Whom we see No one is ours No one truly for u No one really wanna feel u Still we here Finding someone Finding the true friend

This ever gonna be the ryt place for me This ever gonna give me the happiness i deserve This ever gonna give me the friend i was looking for This ever gonna understand who good I m at heart


from Runthatmother

Some relationship issues . So my girlfriend and I got into a bit of an argument over me still being friends with someone who is probably an subconscious misogynist. Of course, I want to make her happy, but I also don't want to lose him as a friend. . Along with that, she's mad that I still talk to him after he raised grievances about her, even though he is allowed to do that and he did it in a fairly respectful way. . It's hard, and sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it anymore, but I want to be with her. Just in between a rock and a hard place right now.


from Criffy

Mastering TRON (TRX) Earnings: Unlock the Power of Your Cryptocurrency

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, TRON (TRX) stands out as a dynamic and versatile digital asset offering numerous opportunities for growth and investment. With the rise of platforms like Criffy, maximizing your TRON holdings has never been more accessible or lucrative. This article dives deep into the world of TRON, providing you with actionable insights and a thorough understanding of how to enhance your earnings through staking, lending, DeFi, and savings. Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or a seasoned investor, our guide will empower you to unlock the full potential of your TRON investments.

Understanding TRON (TRX) TRON is a blockchain-based decentralized platform designed to build a free, global digital content entertainment system with distributed storage technology. It allows easy and cost-effective sharing of digital content. TRON aims to remove the middleman and bridge the gap between content creators and content consumers by making the process more efficient and less costly.

Why Invest in TRON? Investing in TRON (TRX) offers several advantages. It's not just about holding a digital asset; it's about being part of a broader ecosystem that promotes the decentralization of the internet and supports the direct connection between creators and consumers. The TRON network boasts high throughput, scalability, and availability, making it a preferred choice for developers and investors alike.

Maximizing Earnings with TRON Savings Platforms like Nexo, HTX, and Binance offer various APY rates for TRON savings, making it a viable option for earning passive income. For instance, Nexo provides an estimated APY of up to 9%, offering a lucrative opportunity for TRON holders. Savings accounts are an excellent starting point for those new to cryptocurrency investments, providing a secure and relatively risk-free way to start earning.

Staking Staking TRON (TRX) is another powerful way to earn rewards. By participating in the network's consensus mechanism, holders can earn staking rewards. Platforms such as BitMart and Guarda offer estimated APYs up to 4.8% and 3.58%, respectively. Staking not only rewards you with additional TRX but also contributes to the security and efficiency of the blockchain network.

Lending Lending your TRON can also generate income. Through platforms like Gate.io and KuCoin, you can lend your TRX to others and earn interest, with APYs ranging from 0.06% to 0.88%. Lending is an excellent way to put your idle assets to work, though it's essential to understand the risks involved, including the potential for default by borrowers.

DeFi Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms such as Venus and JustLend allow TRON holders to earn interest or participate in yield farming. With estimated APYs of 3.21% and 1.37%, respectively, DeFi platforms offer innovative ways to engage with the cryptocurrency space and earn rewards.

Choosing the Right Platform for TRON Investments When selecting a platform for TRON investments, it's crucial to consider factors such as security, user interface, customer support, and the platform's reputation within the community. For staking opportunities, visit TRON (TRX) staking on Criffy to explore the best options available.

Risks and Considerations While investing in TRON offers numerous opportunities, it's essential to be aware of the risks. Market volatility, regulatory changes, and security threats are factors to consider. Diversifying your investment portfolio and conducting thorough research before investing can mitigate these risks.

Conclusion TRON (TRX) presents a unique opportunity for investors looking to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio and earn passive income. Whether through savings, staking, lending, or DeFi, TRON offers various avenues for maximizing earnings. By understanding the risks and choosing the right platforms, you can unlock the full potential of your TRON investments and contribute to the future of decentralized digital content sharing.

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from Butterfly.here


This loneliness This sadness I just should stop expecting from people No one is mine here No one is true friend Just PPL Whom we see No one is ours No one truly for u No one really wanna feel u Still we here Finding someone Finding the true friend

This ever gonna be the ryt place for me This ever gonna give me the happiness i deserve This ever gonna give me the friend i was looking for This ever gonna understand who good I m at heart


from Runthatmother

I'm excited to join the WriteFreely fold! It's a little worrying that Rant.li is willing to give away anything to the authorities if asked, but at the same time, it's not like we give much anyways, so there's not a lot of harm in that.

As well as being a proponent of privacy, I'm also a proponent of minimalism, and I like that WriteFreely cuts to the chase. I always hated that WordPress wouldn't allow you to edit HTML unless you paid, so you were stuck with their minimalistic settings, which still had a fair bit on the screen.

Well, that's enough ranting! I'm glad to be in the WriteFreely fold (and by extension, Rant.li), and I wish us good luck from here on out!


from Ghostwritingsaga

Ghostwriters play a pivotal role in the literary world, helping authors bring their ideas to life and produce polished manuscripts. However, the process of hiring and working with ghostwriters can be daunting for many aspiring authors. In this guide, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of how to find, hire ghost writers, and collaborate effectively with ghostwriters, ensuring a successful and rewarding partnership.

Finding the Right Ghostwriter:

The first step in hiring a ghostwriter is finding the right fit for your project. Start by researching ghostwriters who specialize in your genre or subject matter. Look for writers with proven experience and a track record of success in the publishing industry. Online platforms, writing associations, and literary agencies can be valuable resources for finding qualified ghostwriters.

Defining Your Project Scope:

Before reaching out to potential ghostwriters, it's essential to define the scope of your project. Clearly outline your goals, objectives, and expectations for the manuscript. Provide detailed information about the genre, tone, style, and target audience of your book.

Conducting Interviews:

Once you've compiled a list of potential ghostwriters, schedule interviews to discuss your project in more detail. During the interview process, ask about the ghostwriter's writing process, experience, and approach to collaboration. Inquire about their availability, communication preferences, and willingness to accommodate your specific needs and preferences.

Establishing Clear Communication Channels:

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership with a ghostwriter. Establish clear communication channels and expectations from the outset, including how often you'll communicate, preferred methods of communication, and response times. Regular check-ins and progress updates can help keep the project on track and ensure that both parties are aligned throughout the writing process.

Providing Feedback and Guidance:

As the project progresses, be proactive about providing feedback and guidance to your ghostwriter. Offer constructive criticism, suggestions, and direction to help steer the manuscript in the right direction.

Respecting Professional Boundaries:

While it's essential to maintain open lines of communication with your ghostwriter, it's also important to respect their professional boundaries. Avoid micromanaging or second-guessing their work, and trust in their expertise and creative process. Remember that you've hired a professional for a reason, and allow them the space and freedom to do their job effectively.


from High Class Escorts in Delhi

Independent Delhi Escorts service – Unlock the every Door of Sensual

Sex is not only a basic need but also necessary for a satisfied life, without it life is like a living corpse. Even today many people in India do not have any female partner to get this satisfaction. But now Independent Delhi Escorts are here to give you everything that you are lacking. Here we not only guarantee you intercourse but also guarantee a night full of pleasure, thrills, and screams. Whether you have a partner who is not able to satisfy your lust or don’t have a woman partner, Delhi Female Escorts will be at your bed to give you what you desire. Raise your standards and expectations because our independent escorts in Delhi will not disappoint you. They promise to give you a memorable night where you will experience the thrill of being in control. That’s right! Let the lady of your dreams take charge, and enjoy the moment with all your passion because she’s irresistible.

Explore the City of Dreams with Hot Celebrity Escorts in Delhi

Delhi is a busy and exciting city known for its lively nightlife and many tourist attractions that draw the attention of visitors from around the world. There are plenty of hotels, restaurants, and entertainment spots in the city. Some tourists are also interested in hiring a Delhi escort for the company in the city of dreams. These females are professionals who accompany and entertain clients who stay in luxury hotels. They make the stay in Delhi memorable with their lusty and top-rated services.

Independent escorts in Delhi offer various services for those seeking a more intimate experience. These experienced professionals can provide companionship for dinner dates and social events. Hotel Escorts in Delhi are suitable for those who want a more private encounter. They are available for booking in various hotels in Delhi that provide sophisticated erotic experiences.

Why Should You Hire Delhi Escorts Service?

Delhi serves as both the nation’s capital and the hub of entrepreneurship. It is home to the greatest number of Indian escort services. Even if there are attractive females wherever you look in the town, approaching them about spending the night with them might be a little awkward. We provide you lustful Escorts in Delhi so that you won’t have any last-minute problems. Our courteous and reasonably priced escorts in Delhi go above and beyond to ensure that your evening is unforgettable. Are you trying to find a female who can arouse your physical desire after strategically tantalizing you? Here are some gorgeous call ladies from Delhi that are itching to be your sexual slave. Engaging Muslim escorts in Delhi might fulfil your need to indulge in a passionate lovemaking session. Give us a call right now to reserve a Delhi escort on your own.


from Johan's blog

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from milojebjelica2

Beyond the Basics: Innovative Locksmith Solutions in Kansas City, KS

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the locksmith industry has undergone significant transformations, moving beyond traditional lock and key solutions to embrace innovative technologies and methodologies. This shift has been particularly evident in Kansas City, KS, where locksmiths have adapted to meet the diverse security needs of businesses and residents alike. In this article, we'll explore the cutting-edge locksmith solutions available in Kansas City, KS, and how they are revolutionizing the way we approach security.

Evolution of Locksmithing in Kansas City, KS:

The role of locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, has evolved considerably over the years. What once primarily involved cutting keys and repairing locks has expanded to encompass a wide range of services aimed at enhancing security and convenience. With advancements in technology and the increasing sophistication of security threats, locksmiths in Kansas City have had to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve.

Keyless Entry Systems:

One of the most significant innovations in locksmithing is the widespread adoption of keyless entry systems. These systems eliminate the need for traditional keys, replacing them with electronic keypads, card readers, or biometric scanners. In Kansas City, KS, locksmiths have been instrumental in installing and maintaining keyless entry systems for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. These systems offer enhanced security, convenience, and flexibility, allowing users to control access to their premises more effectively.

Smart Locks and Home Automation:

Another innovative solution offered by locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, is smart locks and home automation technology. Smart locks can be remotely controlled and monitored using a smartphone or tablet, allowing homeowners to lock and unlock their doors from anywhere in the world. Additionally, smart locks can be integrated with other home automation systems, such as security cameras, motion sensors, and smart lighting, to create a comprehensive security ecosystem. Locksmiths in Kansas City are at the forefront of this technology, helping homeowners leverage smart locks to enhance the safety and convenience of their homes.

High-Security Locks and Systems:

As security threats become more sophisticated, locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, are increasingly turning to high-security locks and systems to protect their clients' properties. These locks feature advanced mechanisms and materials designed to resist picking, drilling, and other forms of tampering. Additionally, high-security lock systems often incorporate features such as restricted keyways and key control, which prevent unauthorized duplication of keys. In Kansas City, locksmiths are working closely with manufacturers to develop and deploy high-security solutions tailored to the unique needs of their clients.

Automotive Locksmith Services:

Locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, also provide a range of automotive locksmith services, including key cutting, lock repair, and emergency lockout assistance. With the proliferation of electronic car keys and immobilizer systems, automotive locksmithing has become increasingly complex. However, locksmiths in Kansas City have the skills and expertise to work on all types of vehicles, from traditional mechanical locks to the latest keyless entry systems. Whether you're locked out of your car or need a spare key programmed, a locksmith in Kansas City can help.

Emergency Locksmith Services:

In addition to their expertise in traditional locksmithing services, locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, also offer emergency locksmith services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you've been locked out of your home, lost your keys, or experienced a break-in, a locksmith in Kansas City can provide prompt assistance to help you regain access to your property and restore your peace of mind. With their rapid response times and efficient service, locksmiths in Kansas City are always there when you need them most.

Commercial Locksmith Solutions:

Locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, also specialize in providing security solutions for commercial and industrial clients. From master key systems and access control systems to door hardware and security audits, locksmiths in Kansas City offer a comprehensive range of services to help businesses protect their assets and employees. Whether you're a small retail store or a large corporate office, a locksmith in Kansas City can tailor a security solution to meet your specific needs and budget.

Community Engagement and Education:

Beyond providing innovative locksmith solutions, locksmiths in Kansas City, KS, are also actively engaged in educating the community about the importance of security and safety. Through workshops, seminars, and outreach programs, locksmiths in Kansas City raise awareness about common security threats and best practices for protecting homes and businesses. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills, locksmiths in Kansas City are helping to create a safer and more secure community for everyone.

Innovation is at the heart of the locksmith industry in Kansas City, KS. From keyless entry systems and smart locks to high-security solutions and emergency services, locksmiths in Kansas City are constantly pushing the boundaries to provide cutting-edge security solutions to their clients. Whether you're a homeowner, business owner, or automobile owner, a locksmith in Kansas City can help you enhance the security and convenience of your property. With their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to excellence, locksmiths in Kansas City are leading the way towards a safer and more secure future for all.