Well That's Fantastic Too

Tragicomedy trying to punch up

Horse Medicine
Sometimes you have to wonder who writes those weird headlines. Like this one: politico.com, White House weighs Fudge replacement options at HUD. That one threw me for a loop. Like, what the fudge? I mean, if it had said transportation department, it would have made more sense to me. Come on, I know you laughed at that. At least a little. I can't say that on the elephant site, or at least not on the BS forum.

And how about the names of medications. Like clopidogrel, which they gave me after my heart surgery. Doesn't that sound like horse medicine? Clop, clop, but it's better known as Plavix.

And speaking of horse medicine, how about the names of those Covid vaccines. The one from Pfizer is called Comirnaty, which is supposed to be a mash-up of community and immunity. On the other hand, the one from Moderna is called Spikevax, which sounds kind of like a metal band. I finally got my updated vax a few days ago, and it was the metal one. I'm still feeling knocked out by it. I feel like I should have enough immunity for a whole community by now.

Thank you all for being such a great audience. If you enjoyed this program, please think about buying me a cup of coffee. It doesn't have to be Starbucks, which would cost a Satoshi these days.

Audio version HERE

Real food costs less than junk food?

At least around here it does. Since I moved out of the shithole apartment to a somewhat better part of town — which I can't afford — the nearest store is a Kroger, versus a dollar store with boarded-up windows.
I'm still reverberating from the dietary change from off-brand cookies and tuna to actual food that has flavor and nutrients. Honey peanut butter, which my teddy bear likes 😉 was only 1.00 at Kroger, while the short-dated one at the D.S. was “on sale” for 2.35. (I can't put a dollar sign w/o fooking up the page.)
As to bug spray, better known as “B.S.,” I haven't even had to use it at the new place, which is why I'm keeping the title of my novelette flexible as “B.S. and Teddy Bears.”
Enjoy my teddy bear enjoying honey peanut butter and instant coffee:
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Post-dot-News Edited on March 1

I was on Post for a few months but found it to be a centrist echo chamber, so I stopped visiting for a while. However, I recently returned to find that more diverse opinions are starting to appear in the “U.S. Politics” section. [ETA: that didn't last long; now it's just “Biden” its time again.]
Since the “B.S.” site didn't really work out for me (too much B.S., not enough teddy bears), I was going to be more active on Post as well as Mastodon, but today Post wiped my whole profile, forcing me to painfully re-type everything with my busted shoulder.
Though my warped sense of humor went over like a lead balloon at the B.S. site, for those who appreciate it, I'll be posting images on Pixelfed, some real and some not so real. All my active Social Media links are pinned at the top of this blog.

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Like Night and Day

I famously can't read dark themes on a PC — that is, thin light text overwhelmed by a dark background.

I've tried various fixes, including a bookmarklet and Stylus for Firefox, but I just found the most counterintuitive and easiest fix yet. The Firefox add-on “Dark Background and Light Text,” despite its name, is fully configurable to do the opposite by swapping the background and foreground colors and making link text a little darker. The icon can be pinned to the toolbar and easily be switched on and off as needed.

I hope this helps other people with vision sensitivity. You can find this recommended add-on at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-background-light-text/

(I'm using it now: it's the only way I can read this blog!) 😀

Please enjoy my previous blog, which disappeared but is archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20230410212555/https://paper.wf/jennifer/