Ramblings in the dark, April 22, 2024

Hello everyone, This post does not count as our daily update, we will still publish one of those later on today. However, we decided to do a spur of the moment ramblings post, just because. It is currently very late as we write this post. It is currently 2:42 AM for those curious. We enjoy writing this late at night, even though our keyboard can be noisy and a bit annoying to some. It's a good thing we're not using the braille keyboard, that would be even more annoying and obtrusive, or so I'm told. We don't like to be obtrusive, or loud, but sometimes loudness is unavoidable, even if you're not talking. Activity is noisy, we're sure somebody said that somewhere. And noisy is okay in some situations. But especially when people are sleeping, we try no to be loud and inconvenient. We are currently playing Prometheus, our current text-based mud of choice. We will likely go into more details about that in a later, and larger, post, as we don't have the spoons to explain what a mud is, what Prometheus is, and all that entails. We may even do those things in two separate posts as sequels to our games post, which has been planned for a few days now. It is, after all, part of our experience. We are also working on our personal chronicles, and writing small blurbs for the new fediverse account, the Feathery Purr. Visit the Feathery Purr here Which actually brings up another thing which we forgot about. We need to write a promo post for the gaptangle, which is another system we are good friends/family/housemates/unlabeled connection here. Perhaps that will also come in a few days. They do lots of things on Mastodon, twitch, they have a ko-fi, a linktree, and probably other things we don't know about because we haven't looked into it. They're nice. We were outside for the recent eclipse, though we didn't post much about it on mastodon. We have some light perception, so we got to see the shadow moving across the sky from what was to us left to right. Z helped position us so we could see better. We didn't end up getting complete totality, which now I consider it is a redundant phrase but oh well ... we didn't get totality, but it was pretty close. It looked like evening, with dawn on the edges. Despite being mostly blind, it was neat to look at ... we enjoyed that day. It stormed for the entire night after the eclipse though. We don't particularly like storms, because we don't care for all the booms. I think part of that is because our bed is positioned near an outside wall, so the booms sound closer to us. It then stormed for the next week or so ... off and on. Storms make the sky look strange, even to someone with limited light perception. We've always been ... grumpy about storms, but it's become more prevalent over the past few years.


This concludes our random train of tangential madness. We hope you have enjoyed. See you all later for the daily update, assuming we're not either occupied by tasks or too tired to do it.


Post written by Kayla, Elena, Nicole, Delainey, and a few of the littles who enjoyed the eclipse. Edited for spelling, accuracy and coherency by Farren.

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