
Barefoot And Hungry

Today with Go I made my Yt-Dlp wrapper and meta tagging software to parse user preset files and copy files downloaded and tagged onto the media server. The program now functions hourly from a system md service (as I haven't made it a Docker image yet), providing a Sonarr/Radarr service but for third party JP content on Nico Nico.

With Go, performing this was very easy. It now means a person can wake up, open Jellyfin, and the fresh waifu content that got uploaded while they were asleep is already on their media server ready for viewing.

This is because Go is a batteries included language, and all languages are essentially the same outside of the library and syntax, and whether it is compiled or not. Yes Go allows manual memory management. Go is always adding new features and improving, because the developers care about it unlike propaganda shitty langs like Rust.

Tomorrow I will begin making more presets and create auto-preset logic so that the program automatically detects the site and guesses the best settings, lest you have explicitly told it to use a particular preset.

When should I release this software? Once it is a Docker image and has Nico Nico support? Might have to link bilibili as well.

The value of old games is that they were made without defined notions of what a game should be. They were exploring a new frontier. This was a nothing wrong in the game and gameplay was more fun to play and tinker around with it, it was well written full of creativity and mind-blowing stories . Anyone born in the 90s – early 2000s knows the feel.

Nowadays games now are full of remakes and mostly shitty nowadays requiring high graphics and modern PC. You can not see as much exploration into entirely new sorts of games, except sometimes in the space of very small indie teams, but that limits the scope of the creative effort. Even there, since marketability is heavily focused on the clearly visible aspects of the game that can be communicated in seconds, and modern game engines make it hard to rehash existing designs, innovation is limited. There is little financial reason to make a game that works in an unfamiliar way that would take more than three seconds for a player to understand.

Old games are simple and mostly one very important thing: finished, functioning programs. not half baked glorified soylent adware

Many new games aren't even being sold as functional products, but completely broken messes that don't work out of the box with a false promise that they'll be fixed later on because they're “services”. In literally any non-computing related industry this would be an unacceptable practice, yet it's been normalized in gaming and the rest of the tech world.

Yes, I am aware that it's a pain in the ass to get most old games and other software working on modern platforms, but it's not impossible. Today all the hindsight, foresight, cross-platform support and backwards compatibility in the world, yet new software is releasing more broken than ever.

I've gotten to the point where I genuinely prefer older video games due to one of the main things people look forward to in anything new... length.

Nowadays it's all about an 8hrs or more campaign at the very least, then there are other difficulty settings, collectables, etc... if you want to complete everything, you're in for a lot more run time, also there are these achievements too if you're a completionist like me.

Back then we'd have these 45min long titles that took us way longer to complete because they were difficult, didn't let you save, and/or took you back.

It was so satisfying though, going from not being able to finish the early levels, to dominating them, and then doing the same with the later levels, feeling your improvement, and then suddenly what felt impossible is something you can finish in less than 1hr.

Also, 100% completion took a lot less time usually, it usually came down to a few collectables that, once you knew what to do, you'd get aswell.

Programmers do the best they can with the tools available. Retro games have been produced despite technological limits.

The difference must be passion. A game that functions well and has an engaging story is entertaining. Outstanding games are produced with imagination that goes beyond graphical capacity. Its definitely tangible when a game was produced by a studio of creative individuals who made a unique experience for us to enjoy.

Retro games may look charming compared to VR immersion, but I'm still completely aware these games are a fantasy diversion no matter how realistic they appear. What matters is they're fun to play.

This shall be the concensus definition of BASED software

Software is based if it adheres, to the following principles:

  • Trying to follow the Unix philosophy (do one thing well, use text interfaces, ...).
  • Trying to follow the suckless philosophy (configs as source files, distributing in source form, ...).
  • Being minimalist (single compilation unit, header-only libraries, no build systems, no OOP languages, ...), countercomplex.
  • Being free software legally but ALSO practically (well commented, not bloated and obscured etc.).
  • Minimizing dependencies, even those such as standard library or relying on OS concepts such as files or threads, even indirect ones such as build systems and even non-software ones (e.g. avoiding floating point, GPU, 64bit etc.).
  • Very portable, non-discriminating, i.e. being written in a portable language (C etc.), using as little resources as possible (RAM, CPU, ...) and so on.
  • Future-proof, not controlled by anyone (should follow from other points).
  • Hacking friendly and inviting to improvements and customization.
  • Built on top of other based technology such as the C99 language, Unix OS, our own libraries etc.
  • Simple permissive licensing (being suckless legally) such as MIT or GPL.
  • Elegant by its simple, well thought-through solutions.
  • No bullshit such as codes of conduct, tricky licensing conditions etc.

List of Software Considered Based

  • devuan
  • dwm
  • temple os
  • ffmpeg
  • openbsd
  • krita
  • qemu
  • sqlite
  • tcc
  • vim