The Illusion of Freedom


The Illusion of Freedom

Have you ever had that feeling that you see things that others do not and all you can do is scream into the wind? That is how I have been feeling the last few weeks as I watch what is going on and how the world continues its march towards autocracy.

In my musings, I have often wondered why my own people cannot see the truth of what is happening. In actuality, a lot do, they just do not care because they are either used to it or they benefit from the broken system. For the majority though, instead of the government using brute force to suppress the freedoms of their citizens like we have seen in countries like Iran and Russia, Americans have fallen for the insidious method. They have been presented an illusion and have been told it is the real world.

Americans by far think they are in one of the most free countries in the world but never think or compare the freedoms presented in other countries. They strut around in the flag branded clothing screaming about how the United States is the best country in the world but missing the fact that we hold 17th place on the Freedom Index as of 2024.

They believe there is freedom in our healthcare to choose whoever we want except it has to be approved by college graduates with no medical degrees at insurance companies.

They believe we all have freedom of religion while they persecute those of different faiths or no faith at all.

They believe people have a right to defend themselves but support Russia and Israel’s aggression against Ukraine and Gaza respectively.

Americans are told: “Look, you can own a gun! No one else is allowed in the world to do that so easily” and somehow that means we are free.

As every year goes by, the integration of race, the equality of the sexes and the acceptance of everyone has is failing. People waving Nazi flags are marching down the streets of Tennessee, a sexual abuser with 91 criminal indictments is running for president and his supporters do not care.

American Oligarchs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have convinced the masses that equality and diversity is the reason that life is hard. Not their own greed stealing and amassing wealth from the populace. They have turned the populace on itself by blaming the vulnerable and the minorities.

It is the same old trick and everyone is falling for it again.

I guess I will go back to screaming in the wind. ——-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE——-

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Who am I? I'm the one who watches. The one who sees the direction things are going and can do no more than warn everyone. Is this a persona dramatic? Yes. Is it meant to be? Yes.

This lonely watcher can be supported through bitcoin if you felt the blogs helped you. bc1qxgr2s5yjngfywfn95pyp3hr53enl79esnczxqh