AI Safety: An Urgent Need, A Personal Mission


Hello, I'm Anthony Firn. My fascination with the intricate dance between humans and technology has been a lifelong journey, influenced by various sources, both real and fictional. From the captivating narratives of games like Portal, which artfully blend humor with profound questions about AI ethics, to cautionary tales of AI takeovers in science fiction, I've always been drawn to the complex relationship between man and machine.

One of the pivotal moments that solidified my interest in AI safety was my introduction to Robert Miles' work on the subject. His insights into the challenges and nuances of ensuring AI behaves predictably and ethically resonated deeply with me. It wasn't just the theoretical risks that intrigued me, but the very real and immediate concerns, especially in the wake of recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and the rapid adoption of generative AI systems.

Today, as AI becomes an integral part of our daily lives, the urgency to address its safety and ethical implications has never been greater. It's not the dramatic, apocalyptic scenarios of AI rebellion that concern me the most. Instead, it's the subtler, more insidious risks: an AI system inadvertently amplifying biases, making decisions that lack transparency, or being used in ways its creators never intended.

Through this blog, “TechFirn Tales”, I aim to explore these challenges, share my thoughts, and engage in meaningful discussions about navigating the AI landscape safely and ethically. While I'm still on a learning curve, I believe that together, we can shape an AI-driven future that benefits us all.

The Importance of AI Safety

  1. Rapid Advancements and Potential Consequences:

    • AI safety is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on preventing accidents, misuse, or other harmful consequences that could arise from AI systems. It's not just about technical challenges but also about developing norms and policies that promote safety.
    • As AI continues to advance, the potential consequences of unchecked AI development could be catastrophic. For instance, in two surveys of AI researchers, the median respondent was optimistic about AI overall but placed a 5% probability on an “extremely bad (e.g., human extinction)” outcome of advanced AI. In a 2022 survey of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community, 37% believed that AI decisions could lead to a catastrophe comparable to an all-out nuclear war.
  2. Real-World Concerns and Examples:

    • Current Risks: These include critical system failures, biases in AI decision-making, and AI-enabled surveillance.
    • Emerging Risks: As AI technology becomes more integrated into society, we face potential risks from technological unemployment, digital manipulation, and the weaponization of AI.
    • Speculative Risks: The future might see us losing control of advanced AI agents, leading to unforeseen consequences.
    • Public Figures and AI Safety: Prominent figures like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking have voiced concerns about the potential threats posed by advanced AI systems. In 2015, many AI experts signed an open letter calling for research on the societal impacts of AI.
    • Historical Perspective: Concerns about AI risks aren't new. They have been discussed since the dawn of the computer age. Norbert Wiener, as early as 1949, highlighted the potential risks of machines whose behavior is modified by experience.
    • Recent Developments: In 2023, Rishi Sunak expressed a desire for the UK to be at the forefront of global AI safety regulation and to host the first global summit on AI safety.

My Goals and Aspirations

  1. Deepening Understanding:

    • My foremost aspiration is to delve deeply into the nuances of AI safety research. While I've been influenced by figures like Robert Miles and have a foundational understanding, I recognize that there's a vast expanse of knowledge to explore. I'm committed to continuous learning, attending workshops, conferences, and collaborating with experts to enhance my grasp of the subject.
  2. Bridging Gaps:

    • I believe that one of the challenges in AI safety is the gap between theoretical research and practical implementation. My goal is to act as a bridge, ensuring that safety protocols and guidelines are not just discussed in academic circles but are also implemented in real-world AI systems.
  3. Collaborative Endeavors:

    • I'm keen on joining or initiating collaborative projects that focus on AI safety. Whether it's working with tech companies to integrate safety measures into their AI products or collaborating with researchers on groundbreaking studies, I'm eager to be at the forefront of such endeavors.
  4. Educating and Advocating:

    • Beyond research and collaboration, I'm passionate about raising awareness of AI safety. I aim to educate budding AI enthusiasts, tech professionals, and the general public about the importance of AI safety, ensuring that it becomes a mainstream concern.
  5. Aiming for Leadership:

    • In the long run, I aspire to take on leadership roles in AI safety research. Whether it's leading a team of researchers, heading safety initiatives in tech companies, or even advising policymakers on AI safety regulations, I'm determined to be a driving force in the field.
  6. Ethical AI for All:

    • My ultimate goal is to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity. I envision a future where AI systems are not just efficient but also ethical, transparent, and accountable. I'm committed to working towards this vision, ensuring that as AI continues to permeate our lives, it does so in a manner that's safe and beneficial for everyone.

Why Networking Matters

  1. The Power of Collective Wisdom:

    • AI safety is a multifaceted domain, encompassing technical challenges, ethical considerations, and societal implications. No single individual or entity holds all the answers. By networking and collaborating, we tap into the collective wisdom of diverse experts, each bringing unique perspectives and solutions to the table.
  2. Accelerating Progress:

    • The pace of AI development is staggering. To ensure that safety measures keep up, collaboration is essential. By connecting with researchers, developers, and policymakers, we can pool resources, share findings, and accelerate the progress of AI safety initiatives.
  3. Filling Knowledge Gaps:

    • Every individual has areas of expertise and areas where their knowledge might be limited. Networking allows for the exchange of insights, helping to fill these gaps. A developer might gain ethical perspectives from a philosopher, while a researcher might benefit from the practical experiences of an AI engineer.
  4. Amplifying Impact:

    • Alone, our reach and impact are limited. But by networking and collaborating, we can amplify our efforts. Joint research projects, co-authored papers, or collaborative awareness campaigns can reach wider audiences and have a more significant impact than solo endeavors.
  5. Using “TechFirn Tales” as a Nexus:

    • My blog, “TechFirn Tales”, isn't just a platform for sharing my insights. I envision it as a nexus for like-minded individuals passionate about AI safety. Whether you're an expert with decades of experience or a curious novice, this blog aims to foster discussions, debates, and collaborations.
  6. Building a Community:

    • Beyond just connecting, there's immense value in building a community. A supportive network can provide feedback, offer guidance, and even collaborate on projects. With “TechFirn Tales”, I hope to cultivate such a community, where ideas are exchanged freely, and collaborations are born.
  7. Opening Doors to Opportunities:

    • Networking isn't just about the exchange of knowledge. It's also about opening doors to opportunities. Whether it's collaborating on a research project, finding a mentor, or even discovering job opportunities in AI safety, networking can be the key that unlocks these prospects.

What to Expect from This Blog

  1. Diverse Topics

    • “TechFirn Tales” will be a melting pot of ideas and insights. From in-depth analyses of AI safety protocols to the ethical considerations surrounding AI, the blog will cover a broad spectrum. Expect discussions on gift-based social economics, distributed AI development, robotics, electronics, and programming using AI tools. I'll also share tips on harnessing the power of Large Language Models and other emerging AI technologies.
  2. Personal Experiences and Anecdotes:

    • Beyond the technical and theoretical, I'll be sharing personal tales from my journey in the AI realm. Whether it's challenges faced, successes celebrated, or lessons learned, these stories will offer a personal touch, making complex topics more relatable.
  3. Research Deep Dives:

    • As I delve deeper into AI safety research, I'll be sharing my findings, insights, and analyses. Whether it's a recent paper that caught my attention, a groundbreaking study, or my own research endeavors, these posts will provide a comprehensive look at the current state of AI safety.
  4. Collaborative Projects:

    • Collaboration is at the heart of progress. I'll be detailing any collaborative projects I embark on, sharing both the process and the outcomes. Whether it's a joint research initiative, a tech prototype, or an awareness campaign, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at these endeavors.
  5. Engaging Discussions:

    • Every post aims to foster discussion. I'll be posing questions, seeking feedback, and encouraging readers to share their perspectives. The goal is to create a vibrant community where ideas are exchanged, debated, and refined.
  6. Updates on Current Endeavors:

    • I'm currently exploring several avenues in AI safety and related fields. As I progress in these endeavors, whether it's a research paper I'm working on, a workshop I'm attending, or a project I'm spearheading, I'll be providing regular updates, ensuring readers are in the loop.
  7. Resource Sharing:

    • Knowledge is amplified when shared. I'll be curating and sharing valuable resources, be it books, online courses, tools, or platforms, that can aid anyone interested in AI safety and the broader tech domain.


As we stand on the precipice of an AI-driven future, the importance of ensuring its safety and ethical deployment cannot be overstated. My journey into the realm of AI safety, influenced by personal experiences and the work of pioneers in the field, has only deepened my conviction about its significance. It's not just a technical challenge; it's a moral imperative, a responsibility we owe to ourselves and future generations.

My passion for AI safety is more than just academic curiosity. It's a commitment—a commitment to understanding the nuances, to bridging the gaps between theory and practice, and to ensuring that as AI continues to shape our world, it does so in a manner that's beneficial and harmonious. Through “TechFirn Tales”, I aim to not only share my insights but also to learn, to grow, and to collaborate.

But this journey isn't one I wish to undertake alone. The challenges of AI safety are vast and multifaceted, and they require collective wisdom and collaboration. I invite you, dear reader, to engage with me. Share your insights, challenge my perspectives, and let's collaborate. Whether it's a research project, a discussion, or even a simple exchange of ideas, every interaction enriches our understanding and brings us one step closer to our goal.

In the vast tapestry of AI development, safety is a thread that must weave through every inch. Together, let's ensure that this thread is strong, vibrant, and unbreakable. Join me in this endeavor, and let's shape a future where AI is not just powerful but also safe, ethical, and truly beneficial for all.

Call to Action

I genuinely value the insights and perspectives of each reader. Your feedback, thoughts, and experiences can greatly enrich our collective understanding of AI safety and its nuances.

Together, let's navigate the intricate landscape of AI, ensuring it's safe, ethical, and beneficial for all.