Write. Just write. This is always the way that it begins. Write as fast as you can type. It does not matter so much just that you care continuously typing. Running and ducking past the censor. The filter. The Conscious You. Or what you think of it as much . But then you get writing like this and then this whole other thing starts pouring forth. You don't have time to think or process what is going on really or even much of what it is that you are typing. Just that you are typing your hardest to type all the correct keys so that you don't have to stop the flow and slow down.

Now what the hell did I just write? ......

I find the slowing down to be much more laborious. And pretentious. Maniacally manicured and rearranged so that, while it is effective in what it elicits, it no longer represents that living moving moment. Thinking and plodding along- looking for the right words – and then regretting the change or worse: losing the thread.

Lost the ability to reach up and temporarily grasp that stream of consciousness, traduce it down through us ... and Pop! you have yourself the making of a good Rant.