Analise Vance's Birth Story

A few months ago, there was a post here about what your perfect birth would be and mine came really close to what I hoped!!

On Saturday, I started to notice that I was losing my mucus plug. On Sunday, I was starting to see a little blood also. So, Sunday night, I wasn't sleeping so hot, and around 4:30am, I started to feel the first contractions. At 6am, my hubby's alarm went off and I told him he needed to call for a sub, because my contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I called my parents to let them know we'd be going soon and hubby called his mom to let her know she needed to come and get my 2-year-old daughter. We both took showers, got dressed, and threw the last few things into my bag.

By 7:30am, the contractions were much stronger and 5 minutes apart. My MIL got here about 15 minutes later and we were off. I got to the hospital and when they checked me, I was only dilated to 2, with -2 effacement. Because my first labor took 22 hours, the doctor decided he wanted to send me home, even though my contractions were now 3 minutes apart and lasting longer than a minute. We both thought he was crazy, but they sent me home around 10:30am.

We drove home, 30 minutes away, and when I got here, my water broke, so we turned back around. The contractions were fast and furious at this point and I was screaming and cussing up a storm in the car. We got back to the hospital about 11:45am. They wheeled me into a room, got me settled and checked me again. I was dilated to a 5, with -1 effacement. I asked for my epidural and they ordered it. At 12:15pm, they checked me again and I was at a 7 with 0 effacement. The anesthesiologist came in and told me to sit up and face the window. I tried but immediately had to lay back down. I tried to get the attention of the doctor and nurse, but they were talking to each other. My hubby yelled at them, and they both turned and looked at me. The doctor told me not to push, because apparently the baby was coming.

They brought in a bunch more nurses, and tried to tell me not to push until the doctor came but there was no chance of that. I couldn't stop her from coming. Three big pushes and she was out! One of the nurses had to catch her and daddy didn't even get to cut the cord. Doctor arrived 5 minutes later! It was a very easy natural birth, though not by choice!

Analise Vance was born at 12:42pm, 8 lbs, 1 oz, 19.5 inches long. She does have jaundice and had to be put under lights, but it's getting under control now. And somehow, she has an extra digit on her right hand, that looks like a little thumb. We somehow missed that in the ultrasounds. It will be removed when she's one. Other than that, she's very healthy and a VERY good eater.