Prenatal Yoga Poses: First Trimester to the Last
Pregnancy is that phase of your life when you undergo several changes in your body and mind. Visiting the bathroom quite often, and feeling sleep-deprived, tired, swollen, achy as well as moody is natural. To deal with this situation including exercise like performing yoga and meditation is a must!
With the help of yogasanas, you’ll be able to learn to adjust to your pregnancy changes in every trimester.
Yogasanas in the First Trimester
In the earliest stage of your pregnancy that is the first trimester, which starts on the first day of your menstrual cycle and lasts up to the 13th week of your pregnancy. While morning sickness is the most common symptom during the first trimester, you’ll feel tired, there will be milky white discharge, and the urge to visit the bathroom quite often. Including yogasanas like tree pose, garland pose, lunge, etc to get these benefits:
- Building strength
- Boost flexibility
- Reducing your tension
- Has a positive impact on blood circulation, and inflammation as well as
- Keeps you aware of your movement pattern, and alignment
Yogasanas in the Second Trimester
The moment you enter the second trimester, the fog of the first trimester is already gone. You may feel more energetic during this time, but your ability to move easily may be hampered a little. However, this is the time to include yogasanas like Skandha Sanchalana, Baddha Konasana, Marjariasana, etc. to aid your digestion, and breathing and to keep mental balance and body weight. Be careful of intense bends or twists. Try to avoid jumping.
Yogasanas in the Third Trimester
The little one inside you is occupying more space now. Due to this uterine pressure and pain are also going to increase. Your breathing is also going to be difficult. But, you need to take it easy. Include Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), Garland pose (Malasana), and Side corpse pose (Parsva Savasana) during this phase. Practicing yoga in the third trimester helps in keeping your mind and body balanced by:
- Reducing pregnancy stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Lowers the risk of pelvic dysfunction during labour.
- Strengthens the core and keeps your body ready for birth.
You can combine yogasanas with brisk walking and keep your body in shape. Furthermore, you can either get the trainer home or attend prenatal yoga classes near your house, to practice yoga.