Wholesale Genuine Leather Handbags

A genuine leather handbag is a fashion accessory that women love to be able to choose from and wear. They go well with a variety of outfits from casual to business attire. Wholesale genuine leather bags are available online in a variety of styles to suit all tastes. We have a large selection of trendy, fashionable and soft genuine leather bags available in bulk for brick and mortar retail and e-commerce shops, or you can even start your own line of bags.

Our genuine leather bags are manufactured by a highly artisanal process, starting with the pattern that is cut out of a piece of leather. The artisan then carefully prepares the leather for the bag, and stitches it together with the highest attention and precision to create a finished product that is very close to the original design. This is what makes the bags unique and special. The slight differences in tone and grain of the leather are not a defect, but an intrinsic part of the artisanal manufacturing of this type of bag.

When you buy wholesale genuine leather purses from Best Handbag Wholesale, you’re buying quality and quantity at a price your clientele can afford. Register your reseller account today to enter our vast selection of western purses and keep your store or flea market stand stocked with the latest handbag accessories.wholesale genuine leather handbags