League of Legends Lecture by NicoThePico
NicoThePico has achieved Challenger tier on 3 different champions and is the best-rated League of Legends coach on GamerSensei. He is a former EU LCS head coach for teams like Origen and Fnatic as well as an assistant coach for Enigma eSports. He has over a decade of experience playing, coaching, and teaching League of Legends, and he will share his insights on the 3 most important aspects of improving your rank.
A lot of the time we think of League of Legends as simply a video game, and most people who play it do so for fun. However, large skill growth and reaching a competitive level require a mentality that closely mirrors the approach to learning any other complex activity, such as sports or academics.
As a result, players who are dedicated to competitive success must be self-regulating in many of the same ways that athletes, musicians, and chess players do. Kahn & coworkers (2015) have outlined a typology of motivational regulations that correlates with various in-game metrics. They have also developed a survey to measure these motivations in the context of League of Legends.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the items in League of Legends and how to make the most out of them. This is a crucial aspect of the game that many players don’t fully understand or even know about, and this understanding will help you to become more efficient in the way you use your items.롤대리