League of Legends Lecture

League of Legends Lecture is a class where students will explore and analyze League of Legends, a popular video game and cultural phenomenon, through multiple lenses including gameplay, eSports, psychology, and game design. Whether you are an avid player looking to improve or a student interested in exploring the many layers of this fascinating game, this class will provide an in-depth look at League and help prepare you for success both as a player and as a future professional.

League is a very complex game that requires a significant time commitment to achieve high levels of improvement and competitive level play. In order to do so, it is important to approach the game with a similar mentality to how one approaches learning a new skill or sport- i.e. starting at the very beginning and learning fundamentals before moving on to more complicated concepts.

This is a very important concept for players to understand. Often times, people will jump right into the advanced concepts without fully understanding how to build or how each champion functions. This leads to major frustration and can cause players to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. For example, it is very common to hear players asking “Why did I lose that game?” despite the fact that they were playing a champion that they had previously played for months and knew the basic ability kit of.

League is a very difficult and rewarding game to learn and master, but it also can be quite intimidating at first. With over 100 million active players and the largest eSports scene in the world, it is crucial for a prospective pro-player to start off on the right foot by understanding the basics of this massively complex game.롤대리