Writing for Enjoyment instead of Writing for Clicks

Hello everyone, Recently while scrolling the internet at a really annoying time at night because our sleep schedule is ten different kinds of messed up, we came across a post that stated that you should always write for engagement and views. But we find that this is not true. We'll try to go into why in as coherent a manner as possible through this post.

The Premise

As mentioned before, this came up when scrolling the internet. We saw a comment on the blogging subreddit that said that you should make a post hook readers in, make them want to read it. And while, yes, if you're going to publish something on the internet, it should be coherent, should be worth the time it takes to scroll through it, and other various bits, we don't fully agree in the manic view checking, the paying for analytics, and the general ruckus around writing a blog. Why?


If you attempt to write for clicks, or write for the enjoyment of your audience, you risk becoming a perfectionist. We have issues with this, and really have trouble publishing our larger posts because we don't think they're good enough for the people who are reading our blog. This is not helped by the current blogging model, in our opinion. With the way blogging seems to work with most content creators, you have to write for the search engines. YOu have to write perfectly pressed posts, with the correct tags, and keywords, and you have to do it every day. That's ... just not feasible for most people, as you can see just by scrolling through this blog.

View Farming and View stress

If a writer is not careful with the way blogging works now, they will end up in the trap we once ended up in, when we first put up our very first page, Ebony Waters. They're always checking views. They're always checking analytics, and always trying to make sure they're doing the blog right. This both causes stress on the writer and can cause them to do rash things, like go into an employee chat and promote their half done website like a fool. That didn't happen to us, not at all. One does have to be careful with promoting one's own sites, for it can be pestering to others to see your links all the time. We personally try to limit our posting of links to once per link. But that's a tangent for another post. One can also fall into the trap we did with our first youtube channel, back when we were presenting as singlet. We wanted everyone to view our YouTube channel and watch our videos. They weren't that great, having been recorded by our mother on a 3rd generation iPad. One of those iPads that still had the 30-pin connector. Yet another tangent for another post. It is for these reasons we choose now to write for our enjoyment. We are always willing to address questions and comments from our audience, which is why we provide a contact section below every post. Well, we originally wanted it to be a single page on the blog but couldn't figure out how to pin it back then so just made it a signature. Guess we could change that now ... yet another tangent.

What does writing for enjoyment actually mean?

Well, that's a fair question. In our case, we purposely chose a site that doesn't make it easy to check views. This was to avoid falling into the trap we fell in before, checking views and getting stressed about how poorly we were doing. It also means not caring about how poorly we're doing, and remembering that this page is up for anyone who chooses to read it. Our page won't be for everyone, and it's not realistic to expect it to be. Writing for our enjoyment does not mean refusing to engage with respectful comments or questions. Just because you get enjoyment out of something doesn't mean others can't get enjoyment from it as well. It does mean that we post more daily life things, because that's what comes most naturally to us. Daily updates where we discuss things happening in our life, and talk about what's coming next, along with these larger posts about various topics, come naturally to us, along with the tangents that pop up along the way. Writing for our enjoyment also means choosing a site to write on that you are comfortable with. For us that is rant.li, for others it could be wordpress or blogger. It doesn't have to be one's own domain to be a good site. It just has to be somewhat coherent and enjoyable to the writer. If it is enjoyable to the readers, that's amazing, and more power to everyone for receiving enjoyment.


We hope you have enjoyed our admittedly spur of the moment post about writing for one's enjoyment. It was not planned, as you can see if you scroll back and look at yesterday's update. But as mentioned above, it happened after some random scrolling through reddit. See you in the next one.


Post was written by Kayla. Satire provided by Nicole and Delainey. Edited for spelling and accuracy by Farren.

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