Update for April 19, 2024

Hello everyone, Today's post is going to be relatively short, assuming we don't go on any random tangents along the way. We are trying to post updates semi-regularly now, because it's important to keep a page current from what we know. We have several posts in the works, but because we're so distractable, none of the big posts are ready yet. So we are updating with a small post to hopefully tide our readers over until we can publish one of our bigger posts. We recently found a new piece of software called mempad, which is like a smaller version of dendron. What's dendron? Dendron is a VScode extension that organizes your notes into markdown trees. It's a bit more convenient than mempad where exporting comes in, but mempad is a bit more convenient when it comes time to flip through your entries and do something with your work. Now that we're writing this, we may end up doing a comparison between the two in a later post. Now to go over some questions people reading this may have.

Are the previously discussed posts off the table?

This may come up for those of you who have been reading our blog for a while. We've discussed several plans for the future. And no, those are not off the table, they're just going to take longer because some of them require links, and while we enjoy research, sometimes it hurts our head.

What is actually planned?

Over the next ... however long it takes us to write our larger posts, of which there are now 8 planned, we will be putting out updates as often as we are able. Because of the smaller nature of these updates, this could be anything from once every day to once every week, or even once a month. We will, however, try not to leave any two-month gaps in our blog in the future, because nobody wants to read a blog that's always empty. On the table, we have: – the comparison of mempad and dendron as discussed earlier – All the things we're attempting to learn, which will be a list of things we're attempting to learn, like markdown, and html, and how to use various programs on our computer. – Our favorite games, which will go over games we like to play now and will briefly go into games we used to play in our childhood. – Our favorite music, which will do the same thing as the games post, and will contain either spotify or YouTube links to all the songs, or as many as we can find. – Piano days, a walk down memory lane, which will be a discussion post of our history with the piano and how we began playing the piano. – Plurality post, system mates with differing belief systems, which will be an account of our several system mates with various belief systems that are not conforming to the rest of our beliefs. – Tech of the Ages, tech of our childhood, which will go over some of the tech we were exposed to as a child. – Various pieces of software we use in our daily life, which ... the name pretty much states the obvious, we will be discussing software in this one. – Why we do not use book review sites, which has been planned for a while but hasn't happened yet. – Why we don't use the mackbook for everything, which was prompted by a tangent we went on in an update from last year. We will keep the list up to date each day, with any newly included ideas, and the instant we get one done to the state we want it, we'll post it up here. Some of them will end up pinned in the bar at the top, because they fit with the theme of that bar, with our introductions and other basic information posts, mainly our favorites posts.


This has been a quick update post, to keep the blog alive and to let everyone know what's coming assuming we can keep our nonsense in order. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact us via any of the contact methods listed below, and if you wish to support us, we will always appreciate it. Thank you for reading.


Post written by Kayla. Edited for spelling and accuracy by Farren.

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