Update, 07/08/2024

It is currently 01:01. Which, actually, translates to 1:01 AM for those who don’t use 24-hour time. I am trying something new, because I’ve been getting more and more annoyed by the wireless keyboard connected to the computer being an annoyance and refusing to type from time to time. Tonight, I am sriting on the iPad, so I apologize in advance for any typoes. As mentioned, I am currently writing at 1:01 AM, which is annoying because I just woke up less than 2 hours ago. Our sleep schedule has been off for weeks now, which we are starting to find insufferably annoying. When we’re up everyone else is asleep. When we’re asleep everyone else is up. I may like solitude, but occasionally voices other than those of my computer and iPad would be nice … but the positive part is that nobody is actively trying not to spend time with us, so if we get our sleep schedule sorted maybe things will change. Problem is, we haven’t been able to get our sleep schedule sorted. It’s summer and we’re primarily nocturnal in summer, always have been. For some reason it’s easier to stay up during the day in winter or autumn … but warm dans are just complete nightmares. Apparently the body doesn’t like heat anymore … I used to be able to spend hours outside. If I tried to do that today I’d never hear the end of it from the body. And probably whichever neighbor picked me up off the street and put me in a hospital. Which, is why I don’t go outside much unless we’re going out and I have to. We don’t get our much … mybe once a month or so. That’s also sad, but could definitely be worse. On a future related note, if we think the iPad isn’t too annoying, we will continue to write with it, meaning that our readers may get more short posts. We use our magic keyboard … well not ours, we dobn’t know where ours is, but one of our lovely housemates is letting us use theirs, so we can keep up on the blog on mobile without giving ourselfes a touch typing headache. Yes, touch typing headaches are a thing. Before we had a keyboard, we used to type out all our messages with touch typing and always had a migraine because of it. It was quite annoying. One of the disadvantages of us typing on the iPad is that we may tangent more. Because, I think, of the way we were raised, mobile devices don’t feel as formal, more open when you’re writing. Mother would always tell us that we shouldn’t be using our mobile devices unless we were traveling. There was, apparently, no need for it. And heaven forbid we use our iPhone, that we paid for, within our home. Heaven forbid we call someone on our cell phone when we were at home. “Use the landline.” She’d always say. We never liked the landline. We’re partially deaf, as I think we’ve mentioned in our previous post, and if we have headphones in we can hear the other person more clearly than if we use a landline. Mother hated it. I didn’t actually get a usable phone until I was 17. My first phone was one of those slide phones, and it had a little screen reader type deal on it. The screen reader would … sometimes. Read text messages. But not all tge time. There were just some times people would send us messages, the phone would ring to tell us we had a text, but we couldn’t get it to read said text no matter what we did to it. So back then we used it to call only. Until Mother put parental controls on the thing. Oh my god we hate those. Got stranded at a school dance until 2 in the morning once because we couldn’t call out to let her know that we were ready to be picked up. After about 25 flaming arguments, she took them off. Mainly because she knew I’d just use my computer. We were a rebellious child … we’d jse social media when she told us not to. Use messaging services despite her saying there was no need for it. We once figured out how to use google talk to message our father. He had an android phone though so I think at the time that was just his messages app. He was shocked, but willingly talked to me over there a lot more freely than when we had our nightly phone calls. He was a nicer person before his … new wife came into the picture. I can’t help but feel that if he was still with either nobody or the younger woman he used to be with when we were 15, we would have more of a connection. I actually wanted to message him when those two were together … Now I dread messaging him at all. The new wife will probably manipulate the situation, she’s done so before. Ugh, did I just write all that with the intention to post it on a public blog? Apparently I did … go me. Told you that you’d get more tangents on the iPad. Feel free to contact us and tell us. Do you like this writing style better or the other posts better?


This post was written b a multitude of system members, including Kayla, Nicole, and our 7 year old, Star. It was edited for spelling and accuracy, well as much as an iPad post can be edited, by Farren. We hope you enjoyed and apologize again for any typoes. y

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