Evening Update, February 7, 2024

Hello everyone, Today's been a bit rough, so our scheduled post about our favorite books did not end up happening today. That has been moved tomorrow.

What Happened?

Today, we were extra tired for no apparent reason, and had a very bad headache. Due to this, and also due to the weirdness with our sleep wake cycle, we didn't wake until 16:45 this afternoon and therefore didn't officially start on writing related engagements until 20:00, giving us 3 hours 15 minutes to do various beginning of day routines. Sometimes that time period fluctuates, but as per the goals I listed a few days ago, I wanted to have us go ahead and post something real quick up here.

Plans for the Future

Assuming no more issues, tomorrow will be our post on our favorite books. Day after that will be a post about why we don't use standard book reading platforms to discuss these books, and the day after that will be a post about our favorite music, we'll go artist, genre, albums, playlists, etc. That post in particular will have a whole crap ton of spotify links, which anyone can access with a free account, but spotify has a large amount of ads on their free plan now. One day we'll Songshift all our things to YouTube, where everyone can see it, but that will be a long way away.

Updates outside the Blog

In the world outside of blogging, we have been making a few forays into various activities over the course of the past few months. We have our podcast, which our Ko-Fi followers will remember being promoted back in October. We are hoping to spend a month updating our goals for that podcast, but that may be a long time coming dependent upon how March the Month of Streaming Goals goes. Though we add something new each month, we have to keep up with the previous months' work as well. Just because we stream doesn't mean we can stop writing. Just because we podcast more doesn't mean we can stop keeping up with the streaming and writing work. For those who believe this structure sounds almost corporate in nature, or too similar to those blogs who are aiming for money, we want to assure you that our work is not for that purpose. Our structure goals are in place to assist us in regaining our ability to be consistent, as we used to have it before we got sick in 2016. While we may post mutual aid posts on here from time to time, it is not the primary priority of any of our pages. While we're on the topic, we want to let anyone reading know that while we display a space for people to support us at the end of each post, it is not intended to pressure anyone into doing so. This is simply a spot where our support venues are listed, for ease of connection should anyone decide that they wish to assist us.


With that out of the way, we hope you have enjoyed our tiny little update post. If we get a second wind, which is possible on weird days, you may get a middle of the night post about some random nonsense. Post written by Kayla. Edited for spelling and accuracy by Farren.

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